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The young boy woke up with a smile on his face as he raced to get dressed before he rushed down the stairs and out the door. He ran down the street to the tree at the end, but stopped as soon as he got there. The boy fell to his knees at the terrible sight before him. The boy did not believe what he saw. In front of him was a sight no child let alone person should ever have to see. There hanging from the tree from his organs, was Finn the child's best and only friends. Finn's green eyes were glazed over and wide with the remnants of terror. His blond hair matted and dyed with his own blood. The young boy screamed, the ravens flew from the tree squawking. He placed down his hands and cried. That is when he felt something seep through his trousers. He looked down. He first thought it was mud but then he remembered that it had not rained in weeks. It was blood. The boy stood up as fast as he could but slipped over and fell, just managing to catch himself on his hands. The boy scrambled back, slipping as he went. He felt his back bump into something, it was the fence. The young boy still petrified with no idea on what to do saw a glint out of the corner of his eye. He glanced over then back at his lifeless friend and back to the glinting object. He crept over to the object, with tears still slipping from his eyes. The boy looked closer at the glinting object, when he noticed what it was. It was a knife at first glance but the boy looked closer and saw that the blade had indents along it and the handle was carved into an intricate design of skulls and what must have been ravens. The boy picked up the knife to examine it closer. As he examined the knife he did not hear the steps coming up behind him. Though he did not hear the steps he did hear the screams. He stood up, still holding the knife and turned around. He saw a person that loved him but would hate him in a matter of seconds. He saw as she took in the scene she had come across. There was but one explanation, not just nor true but it was the only explanation. The person who had arrived at the scene was none other than Finn's mother. She looked at the boy hanging from the tree, before looking at her son's friend. She couldn't believe it, but all the evidence pointed to it.
This one moment changed the young boy's life forever.
When he was found that misty day.
With blood on his hands, his legs and face.
Holding that bloody knife.
From that day forth.
He was blamed for the death of his only friends death.
Named the outcast.
The freak.
From that day he was abused by his family.
Ignored by others.
With the only caring for him being his little sister that did not understand the qualms of life and death.
At the age of 6 Alex Stokholm was named the only murderer of the town.

But later that day as everyone slowly started to hate Alex, as night started to fall. The young boy was still tied to a tree, as everyone gathered in the town hall to decide his fate. They had left not a soul to guard him, human or otherwise. But as he sat there wondering what he did wrong. His eyes glazed over with tears, yet again. But then the tears disappeared and so did the rope that bound him, yet he did not notice this. What Alex did notice however was a shadowy figure. It was tall and lanky. The shadow had a male looking build and looked human in stature. It was strange, it wasn't a shadow nor human. It was a figure made of shadow, yet not a full shadow. Like wisps of smoke. The boy was not scared of the shadow. In fact the shadow seemed to calm him down. The boy was in a trance, as he stood.
The boy started to walk to the shadow, but as he approached the shadow the shadow floated away. The boy followed. The shadow kept moving, the boy kept following. As the boy followed he had no clues on his whereabouts. The boy was wandering through the streets. He was almost lucky that there was no one on the streets. The shadow kept on going, out into the forest. If the boy was in control of his body he would not have followed that shadow. But the boy was not in control, he followed the shadow blindly. The boy did not notice as the mist that had been around all day thickened. The boy kept going. The shadow arrived at a house, the boy kept following. He followed as the shadow climbed the side of the house. When he reached the roof, he snapped out of his trance. But he didn't run, for the shadow still kept him calm. So instead he hid behind the house's chimney and watched the shadow. The shadow stood there on the edge of the roof, watching as the sun set. As the full moon rose the shadow materialised. The shadow that was no longer a shadow was human. At least that's what the boy thought. He was male from what Alex could see. He was tall and slim. He wore a black cloak with a hood. Alex watched as the man took off his hood. Alex could see the side of the man's face. The man had the darkest hair Alex had ever seen. It seemed as if he had been dipped in oil. His eyes were a deep maroon with slight flecks of orange. The man's skin was as pale as bone. He had high cheekbones and it almost seemed like you could see his bones.
The boy watched as the man reached up. By this time the moon had risen and the town was in disarray as they noticed the boy was missing. But as the boy watched the man, he grabbed the edge of the moon. The man reached up with his other hand and grabbed on. The man pulled himself up and climbed into the moon. As he climbed up something fell out of his pocket. The boy quickly noticed this and ran out calling out "Sir! Sir, wait! You dropped something!" The man must not have heard him as he didn't come back. Alex didn't know what to do so he picked up the object that was dropped. It was a necklace. The necklace had a leather band. Attached to the leather was a stone. The stone was black, in the stone where small red flecks. The boy picked it up. He felt carvings in the stone. The boy noticed a small folded piece of paper on the back. The boy opened the piece of paper. The paper had writing that read 'Alex, I know you've found this. Now you must wear this necklace. Do not remove it Alex. You will understand in time.' Alex didn't know why but he trusted the man he had seen and so he put the necklace on. He hid it under his shirt. Before heading to the town that now hated him.

Hello random strangers of the internet who decided to read this and welcome to this story. I came up with story while trying to sleep and thought of it as a really simple animation that I could make, I never expected it to turn into this big of a project. You see I have already written a version of this for school awhile ago but I loved the idea that I'm rewriting all of it properly to hopefully try and publish this some day. I don't know how many people will read this, but I will certainly try to keep this going and write whenever I can as well as trying to upload at least twice a week. But thankyou for reading if you did and as always,
Do what you want I don't care. Only vote if you actually think it's a good.

—Ash/sta1kr (aka the kid that's writing this)

One last thing if you want to make a cover please do, I don't kmow what to make it. Thanks again.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2020 ⏰

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