Never Again - Larry

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It’s been a year since Louis lost Harry. It all changed the night of the accident. Images of bright headlights, the car rolling, glass, blood, limp curly hair filled Louis’ head. Louis was so sure Harry had died, I mean, he was laying right next to Louis on that dark road. Those green emeralds closed, blood trickling down his face as the wind blew his limp dirty hair gently, but when Louis woke up a few days later, in hospital, he found out that that wasn’t entirely true. He didn’t lose Harry physically but more mentally. When Louis had gone to visit Harry in his hospital room, the curly hair boy couldn’t remember. He stared at Louis like hewas the crazy one. Louis had pleaded, screamed for Harry to remember him. To remember the band, to remember Louis’ name, to just remember anything but the curly haired boy just shook his head. “I’m sorry.” He had said over and over as Louis burst into tears, his body shaking as he sunk to the floor. He’d not only lost Harry, but the love of his life, and that hurt more than anything. 

Louis shook his head, trying to rid his mind of the memories of that night as he continued to walk down the grocery store isles. 

“What do you mean you’re leaving?” Louis had asked, eyeing Harry’s suitcases by the door.

“Exactly that. Look Louis, I don’t even know who I am! I’m going back home, maybe being there might help me get my memory back.” Harry explained.

“But I can help you!” Louis argued, “Please, just stay.”

“I’m sorry Louis, but being here isn’t helping me.” Harry said as he slung his duffle bag over his shoulder, “Thankyou for trying, Louis.”

And just like that, Harry was gone. Gone from Louis life. Never to be seen again.

“But I love you.” Louis had finally whispered, but by that time Harry was already driving down the road.

Louis could actually feel his heart being pulled apart. It had been shredded and no one was here to pick up the pieces. Louis was all alone. And he hated that.

“Oh, sorry mate.” Louis apologised as he bumped into someone.

“Louis?” That deep voice asked.

Louis froze. No…It couldn’t be.

“Harry?” He asked, looking up to be met with those familiar bright emeralds. 

“It’s so great to see you.” Harry smiled, pulling Louis into a quick hug.

Louis just wanted to cling to Harry’s form. He just wanted to inhale that oh so familiar scent that was Harry. 

“I’ve missed you.” Louis mumbled.

Harry just gave him a small smile, “Hey, do you want to go get a coffee or something?”

“Sure.” Louis nodded, ditching his grocery basket as he followed Harry.

“This was a long way to come just to get some groceries.” Louis stated as they sat down in a small café, coffee’s in each of their hands.

“Oh no, I actually moved back here about four months ago.” Harry explained, taking a sip of his coffee.


“Yeah, so how have you been Louis? How is everyone?”

“Yeah they’re good, Liam and Danielle have just had a baby actually.” Louis explained.

“Really? Wow, boy or girl?”

“Girl. Abigail.”

“Beautiful name.” Harry smiled, taking another sip, “What about Zayn? Is he still dating that Perrie girl?”

“No, they broke- wait…you remember?” Louis head shot up from his coffee cup to look at Harry.

“Oh no, the memories are still fuzzy but Mum’s been trying to fill me in on things. She usually talks to your Mum and then tells me about the things I’ve missed.”


“Hey, do you wanna go for a walk or something?” Harry asked after a little while of silence.

Louis just nodded as the headed out the small café. 

“It’s weird you know?” Louis started as they walked.

“What is?” 

“Seeing you. That…that night you walked out, I-I didn’t think I would ever see you again.” Louis admitted.

“Well, I’m here now aren’t I?”

“Yeah, I guess you are.” Louis chuckled.

“Hey look, Big Bob’s Ice Cream! We have to go there, they have the best ice cream.” Harry gushed, grabbing Louis’ sleeve and tugging him towards the shop.

“I know, we used to come here every Sunday. It was kind of our special place.” Louis explained, “We’d share a Bob’s Big Sundae.”

“Oh, really?” Harry asked, “Well, maybe we should go somewhere else, somewhere new? Make it our new special place?”

Louis turned to look at Harry, “I’d like that.” Louis smiled and Harry smiled back.

And just like that, Harry was back in Louis’ life. It was almost like he had never left. And Louis promised himself that this time, he wouldn’t let himself lose Harry again. Never again would he let his heart be pulled apart. Never again would he take everything he had for granted. Never again. He promised. Never again.

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