Starting conservatoire

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Violetta: Didn't we forget something? Don't you want another new bedclothes?

Lilly: No, we have everything, it's just dormitory, I will be home every weekend.

Leon: Violetta, you don't need to be scared, Lilly is sensible and she is on dormitory with Julie, everything will be good.

Violetta: Fine, but if something will happen, you need to...

Lilly: me, I know. I will miss you but I need to go to my first lesson.

Violetta: We will miss you too.

Ariel: Me not.

Lilly: Really? With who will you play with barbies?

Ariel: Fine, I will miss you.

Julie: I'm tired.

Lilly: We just had 3 lessons.

Julie: But it's not like before, I'm not that young like before. But not tired for lunch.

Lilly: Go and occupy a place, I forgot my diary on lesson.

Julie: OK.

I hope no-one find my diary with my songs, some of them are embarrassing and some are too personal. Hopefully no, I have lucky. Fine, I don't, I droped it and someone pick it first.

???: That must be your's. What is it, it's your secret diary?

Lilly: No, it's my just my thing. Can I have it back?

???: Yes, but firsty I want to know your name, we are in same grade, and I want to know someone.

Lilly: I'm Lilly. And you?

Fer: I'm Fernando, but I prefer calling me just Fer.

Lilly: Nice to meet you. Now can I have my diary back?

Fer: Sure. Will I see you tonight at party in Paul's?

Lilly: Where is Paul's?

Fer: Behind the school, every years is there party for new students.

Lilly: Maybe I will come. Bye, Fer.

Lilly: Julie, are you really tired? Because there is party in Paul's...

Julie: ...and we are going on her Lilly, but I need to look great, so give me half an hour.

At the party:

Julie: This party is more great, don't you know why? Cause we can finally drink because there isn't Mrs.Palmer!

Lilly: I won't miss her, I'm so glad that I will never see her again in my life. Cheers!

Fer: So you came Lilly. And you must be her best friend, am I right?

Julie: Yes, her bestie Julie who is gonna drunk.

Lilly: Or maybe is drunk enough.

Julie: Not that drunk, I need more, I will leave you for second.

Fer: Your friend is so funny.

Lilly: Yes, that's why I love her. Not like I want her, I'm not lesbian, I'm totally hetero. Why I am talking this to you?

Fer: Maybe you want to come out with me tommorow, I think it will be great.

Lilly: OK, see you, now I need to find Julie and get her to dormitory.

Everything I Love (sequel to My Everything)Where stories live. Discover now