The start.

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"James?" A young red headed room called from downstairs.

"Yeah!?" A voice called back.

" can you quickly run me down kaylees Snuggle bear? She's running away from me every time I'm trying to get her dressed"  she called back.

I sink back into the shadows as the man called James grabbed a cuddly teddy from the bathroom floor and ran it downstairs leaving the other child in the bath.

I creep down the stairs slowly. Trying not to make a noise. I look to see the two couple and two toddlers. The mother looks defeated. The two toddlers was playing tag as the mother was trying to catch the girl with the short red hair.

"Kaylee look what I got" the dad smiled pulling out the giraffe.

"Snugge" she cried running to her father. Her mother caught her before she could.

"Yes snugge but you need your clothes on first" the girl happily let her mother get her dressed before reaching for her teddy. Their father was listening out for the other sibling whilst making a toys float around the room to keep the two other babies distracted.

I gave a small smile at the scene.
"Go now" a sly voice rung though my head. I sign and crept up the stairs and into the bathroom.
The toddler smiles at me. I wrap him in a towel.  I place a young pig in the bath and start the transfiguration process to make the animal look like the boy.

I listen to the events unfold down stairs.

"Lily take the kids and run!" The man cried I hear the running up the stairs, she haven't got the arms to hold the third twin. So she pulls the door " alohomora"
"Avada kedavra" I hear the same sly voice call.
" no James!" The woman cried before slamming the door to the kids room closed.
The sly man comes up the stairs. The bathroom door opens he looks at me and smiles. Nods  and points at the pig "Avada kedavra" the pig dies still looking like the little boy. "Oh no sam" I hear the cries of desperation from the mother.

"Go" he commanded me. I take a deep breath and turns on the spot.

I land outside a Manor House. An peacock walks past my feet un disturbed. I roll me eyes and walk to the door the toddler still wrapped in the towel.

I place the toddler and an note on the door step of the manor. I knock the door and turn on the spot once again.

I go home to my small damp flat. I look in the mirror not even noticing my self anymore in the mirror.

Well done Irma pince I think to my self. How did I end up going from being a librarian too helping the murder of an  family. I sigh. And fall into my bed.

I wake up to a fast knock on the door. "Irma! Irma wake up!" I open the door to see my collage Poppy Pomfrey practically giddy at my door.
I raised an eyebrow. I wonder why she's giddy what can anyone be happy about anymore.

"Did you hear the news" she cried . I shake my head.

"You know who have been defeated" my jaw drops.
"How!" I cry.
"No one knows, he went to the potter house and ohhh bless there souls. Lily, James and little sam didn't make it, but Harry and Kaylee made it and somehow you know who spell back fired and killed him instead"

I look at her in pure shock. But I'm happy. All the babies lived. Maybe I can feel human again in time. But I will always live with the guilt that I help to kill their parents and the babies nearly died.

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