Chapter 4

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HEY EVERYBODY! Sorry it took so long for me to put this up. I meant to post it earlier but i had most of the chapter written when my computer committed suicide, so i had to wait to get a new computer and start all over. Hopefully I can recover the original copy and put it up some day!

Once again thank you all so much for the likes and the follows! It mean a lot to me. Plus this story has been put into 2 communities! Is that good? I have no idea, someone let me know. Tell your friends about the story! I love you all. And remember, you are worth more than all the gold and the riches in the world, you are priceless. Mental hugs for you all! so without further ado...ENJOY!

p.s. you meet a new member of the organization today muahahaha. it may or may not surprise you.


Sitting in a high back chair, Danzo was overlooking the village. His village. That felt so good to say. For many, many years Danzo was skipped over by three other measly and weak excuses for a Hokage. After many years of careful planning and execution he finally captured his rightful spot. After the attack by Pein, the Fire Lord held a meeting with the elders of the village, where Danzo using his superior logic and reasoning skills, and a little help from the eye if Shisui Uchiha's eye, "convinced" the Fire Lord to make Danzo Hokage. Now, years later, the village is rebuilt, even among the Five Great Nations, Danzo was a head above the rest. His Village had grown to an immense size and now is a center of trade.

How did Danzo do all this? Not by just power. Knowledge. Knowledge is power. And he wanted to know everything. He likes being in control. For knowledge can grant you amazing power over people. Then with a little... persuasion they can be made to do anything you wish them to. Danzo smirked at the thought of how many people he could make do anything at the drop of his hat.

But then there is this new group. This new mysterious new group. Danzo was annoyed. No, irate. He knows barely anything about them. He had lied to Tsunade. Most of the report was true, but the part about how long they were gaining information about the group was false. Danzo had been trying to follow them for two years.

Two years!

That is despicable and embarrassing for Danzo. He, The Shinobi of Darkness, the ruler of the unseen, the master of black operations, could not find anything on this new player in the game. It was obvious they were trying to eliminate the Akatsuki. This was evidence enough when ANBU found the aftermath of battles that reflected the abilities of the Akatsuki, but at the same time left little evidence of this new group's abilities. Once Danzo was tipped off by a spy in his network so he send three of his best ROOT teams to find, investigate, and report about the rogue organization.

Not one agent ever returned.

Danzo was beyond pissed. Not even one report was received from them. Danzo did not want to risk more of his own men to find the group. To complicate his matters even more he could not get the normal ninja involved because of the sensitive nature and he did not want to reveal his own shame. Plus, Danzo did not tell the council about any of this except for Tsunade, but he wanted to keep them in the dark anyways. In his own mind, he thought the council was a big waste of time when he could get a lot more done faster because he would make all the decisions. Danzo needed more information on the group. Danzo did send out a message to the group to see if they would respond. After a long time waiting still nothing was heard from them. Then, out of nowhere, as was told by some of his ROOT agents, one of its member just shows up ate his village gates, unannounced with a missing Konoha ninja's forehead protector. Now ANBU members are escorting the new visitor here.

But Danzo and a smug smile on his face. He was going to get information. One way, or another.


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