Chapter 3 - The Fight

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"HE'S a man."

Giselle and the ASS agent walked off. Salem grimaced, "Uh uh. I am nineteen years old and never once have I had to use my gender to get what I want."

"You're nineteen?" Roman asked incredulously. "Are you serious?"

"No, he died in the fifth book. Yes I'm serious!"

"You alright?" Brian asked looking at Dom in the drivers seat. "You seem on edge."

"What was it like for you, growing up without a father?" He asked.

"What was it like?" Brian repeated. "Uh, horrible. I missed out on so much. Heh, really screwed me for a while. Why?"

"I have a daughter out there." He muttered, "Nineteen and making a name for herself. So much that even Hobbs knows who she is. But I didn't. Hell, I didn't even know she existed."

Brian fell silent, "You really didn't?" He asked after a beat. "Her mum didn't tell you?"

"Me and Theresa were only together for two weeks." Dom said. "That's it. It was over before it started. Camilla probaly hates me."

"Don't think like that, she's probaly just scared of who she'll find."

"Brian, how is that better?"

"Oh shit."

Han, Roman and Salem watched as a silver SUV speeded up to the shop Giselle was inside of. Lettie and two others jumped out before opening fire on the store.

"Let's go!" Roman said, before he and Han darted around the corner.

Salem didn't move. She loved how stupid men were. She pulled out the hand gun she had pick pocketed from Roman and took aim, three shots later a man with a mustard cloured jacket fell up the floor.

She grinned before running after Roman and Han.

They jumped down onto a green van and then onto the ground. They ducked out of the alley way just in time to see the remaining two shooters (Lettie being one, a dark haired man in a denim jacket being the other) split up.

Lettie being chased by the ASS agent and denim jacket opening fire on Han.

Salem shot his shoe making him back behind a brick column, Han pulled out his own gun and he and Roman chased after him.

Salem walked into the busted shop to see Giselle leaning over a shot blonde guy, "Hold on." She said.

"Stay with me, stay with me! Tell me where to find Shaw and I'll make him pay for this." Giselle bargained.

Salem closed her eyes. "If you're gonna let someone have last words, don't make them for your own gain. For gods sake."

The blonde pointed to his jean pocket and Giselle pulled out his phone. The mans eyes rolled back and he stopped moving. Giselle stared for a moment before standing.

"Where's the other one? With the brown jacket?" She asked, turning to face Salem.

"It was mustard." The green haired girl corrected. "And he's dead."

"Who killed him?"

"I did."

Giselle stared at her. It wasn't shocked or mortified, it was just blank. "Han and Roman?"

"After Mr moustache."


"After Lettie."

"Right, let's go."

They arrived back at the warehouse to see Dom and Brian working on a white, red leather seated car.

"What the hell happend?" Brian asked.

"We met Doms girlfriend. She's... lovely."

"I had fun." Salem shrugged cheerfully, sitting down.

"You one sadistic ass nineteen year old, you know that?" Roman said, giving her a pointed look.

"You're nineteen?" Brian echoed, staring at her.

"You didn't know?" She scoffed. "Yeah, I'm nineteen. Just a regular teen with daddy issues." She eyed Dom in disgust.

"What, he was there for you?" Dom questioned.

"Never met him. But first chance I get, I'm shooting him dead." Salem said without a hint of hesitation, staring Dom straight in the eye.

Brian repressed a groan. "That's not helping."

She shrugged, looking away. "It's the truth."

"Why?" Han asked, "How can you hate a guy you've never met?"

"He wasn't there. Abandoned us first chance he got and didn't look back, the ass. It wouldn't have been half as bad if the woman he had left me with wasn't a total witch." Salem muttered boredly, taking a bite out of an apple.

"I s s u e s." Roman repeatedly pointedly.

"Fuck off!" She grinned.

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