The call with your mother

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You two slept very long. Elon was holding you in his arms and pulled you softly closer. You laid on your side with your head on his chest, hearing his heartbeat. Around midday you both woke up. Elon woke up first and stroked your cheek softly. Then you woke up. "Good Morning Sunshine" Elon whispered still stroking your cheek and holding you close. "Good Morning" you Said yawning. You two stayed a little closer in bed cuddling each other. You've never slept better than beside him. You stretched yourself and sat on his bed. You looked back at him smiling a little. Elon looked at you and tried to pull you close again to keep on cuddling but you quickly moved away a little just to tease him. You started laughing. "Are you hungry? Last time you made breakfast for me. Now it's my turn" You said smiling. Elon pouted and tried to pull you close again but you reacted again quickly. "Noo Elon, look, sun is already shining outside." You parted the curtains and let the sun shine into the room. "Nooo y/n!" Elon screamed and pulled the blanket over his head. "Alright alright." You pulled the curtains back. "But I'm going to have breakfast now. If you are ready just come downstairs." You said leaving the room. You walked downstairs to the kitchen and prepared a small breakfast. After you finished eating you sat on the couch and put on the tv. You watched some Programms and found one movie about Elon musk. You didn't know too much of him so you watched it for a while. You've seen a lot about him, his work, his companies and his dating life. It was really confusing and kind of scaring you how much everyone knew about Elon. You wanted to call your mother for a while and now you've got time so you called her:

Mom: Hello y/n! How are you?

Y/n: hi mom, I'm really good, how are you?

Mom: it's nice to hear from you. I'm good aswell. Your dad also.

Y/n: mom there is something I need to tell you that happened recently.

Mom: you dropped out of university? You threw it all away? We need to pay more? What is it? Bad grades? Oh y/n we are alright with no mater what happens we'll support you!

Y/n: mom no *laughing* I am still at university studying and stuff don't worry. It's just... I maybe am somehow dating a billionaire...

Mom: what do you mean somehow dating? And who is he? Aren't you happy?

Y/n: well we Are going out and stuff and I'm at his right now, but the main problem is me and not him. He's making me more happy than anyone. Just he's really popular and I am scared of the publicity I'll have when dating him.

Mom: oh I understand that. Take your time with your choice. Maybe just go baby steps into public. You have always been scared of much attention and many people noticing you. You should just take your time. But still- who is he?

Y/n: Elon musk.
*a moment of silence*
Mom: you're dating Elon musk? You're kidding me. Come on, don't fool me.

Y/n: I am not mom. If you want I'll send a picture of us later.

Mom: so... my daughter is literally dating one of the most richest men in the world... how did you two meet?

Y/n: in a Café. I'll tell you sometime later when I am visiting you. It's just I wanted you to know about it.

Mom: as long as you are happy y/n, we accept anyone.

Y/n: im really looking forward of you guys meeting him. But before that... we need to date you know?

Mom: yes darling. Take baby steps. Just at your pace. Everything will be okay.

*you heard a mumble and a groan from upstairs*

Y/n: okay mum I need to go. Thanks for the talk. I love you

Mom: we love you too thanks for calling.

You thought about what your mom has said with taking baby steps. Baby steps into public. Baby steps. Elon came out of his bed room and looked extremely sleepy. He went down the stairs and gave you a kiss on your cheek. "Good Morning Future wifey" he said sleepy. "Elon?" You laughed. "We're not even dating." "Oh yes, sorry. I was just dreaming I guess, I am sorry." As he said this his eyes widened and he seemed to be completely awake. There was something in his voice making you feel like he's ashamed. "It's okay Elon. Don't worry." You made him some breakfast and he took a foto of you. You looked at him. „Elon?" he just smiled staring at his phone. „Elon? Did you just?" you tried to catch his phone but he was taller than you and putting it high up. „Nope! That's mine!" he laughed. As you were stretching up trying to reach his phone he fast put down His hands and hugged you. He pulled you really close. You still had your hands up so you just laid them around his neck. „I'm taking you out today y/n" he whispered into your ear. „To a special place." he added.
„Should I consider this a date?" you asked and he nodded. „This is going to be our first official date. I'll drive you home so you can get ready and I'll tell my workers of my day off today." Elon said. „Let me just" he looks down on himself. „Dress myself." he walked up stairs again and changed. You walked up and down being really nervous where he's going to get you. After a short while he came down. „Let's go home to yours. If you want we can take some clothes of yours and take them to mine so whenever you want to sleep at mine you got clothes at mine" Elon said and walked out. You nodded agreeing and sat into his car. Elon drove you home. As he arrived you kissed his cheek gently and got out. „I'll pick you up at 8pm." Elon said looking at you fondly. "See you sweetheart." You blushes by the nickname. "See you, Darling" you Said and looked at elon. It was the first time you've called him by a nickname and he looked very relieved and smiled. Then you walked in. Inside your flat. You found it how you left it. You sat on your couch and turned on your tv at first. You still had a lot of time to go.

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