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Queens POV

Chapter 11

I walked in the house around 10:30 pm and Clare was in the kitchen cooking dinner

Odd cuz I didn't smell anything when I walked in the door.

"What you doing home so early?"

" I stayed in all day and got the place clean, so I've decided to cook you dinner."

"No thank you I already ate"

Queen said as she threw the car keys on the couch and went to take a shower in the master bedroom.

Although I haven't really eaten anything today, I refuse to let Clare get away with how he's been treating me lately. It's time for him to feel what I'm feeling.

Queen went to bed around 1am and of course Clare played the game all night until the sun came up around 7:30 am.

3 Week Time Skip

Not much has happened lately, Clare's been staying in the house as if that means something. Playing the game but not showing me too much attention and I'm tired of it. I think it's time for me and my girls to have a spa day or something to take my mind off of things.

I called up Nique and Carmen and had them meet me at this spa not too far from this salad bar.

I put on the tackiest outfit possible, grabbed my phone and headed over there.

I pulled up to the shop and Carmen and Nique haven't made it yet considering I didn't see neither of their cars.

Queen phone starts to ring with a FaceTime


"Damn, chill.. I can't get a hello first?"

"What Clare? I'm at the spa"

"Look like you sitting In the parking lot to me"

"Yeah okay, is that what you called me for?"

"Nah I was actually telling you that I'm going out to dinner tonight"

"You going out to dinner or we going out to dinner?"

"No I'M going out to dinner"

"With who?"

"This luh PR chick"

"Luh PR chick?"

"Yeah nothing crazy I'll see ya In a bit"

End of FaceTime

Clare hung up the phone and proceeded to play 2K.

I know this nigga..

Queen was interrupted as Nique was knocking on her window

"Come on slow poke" Nique said as she opened the car door

Welcomed into the shop with a glass of wine Queen, Carmen and Nique got undressed and put on a spa robe.

"So what's new?"

Carmen asked as the girls were sitting down in a message chair drinking wine  waiting for the hot tub to be filled.

"Girl so tell me why Clare going out to eat with some girl tonight"


"Yeah, some PR chick apparently.. Idk I'm trying not to stress myself out over it"

"And that's exactly why we here now"

Nique said as she finished her glass

"So I'm glad to see you in one piece"

"What you mean?" Queen responded with a smirk but confused look on her face

"Carmen you missed it a couple weeks ago girl, so Queen and I went to the bar and she met this guy name Chris"

"ohhhhh" Queen started to laugh

"Idek if you want to tell that story"

Queen finished her glass of wine

"So tell us what happened Queen"

"So we met at the bar a couple of weeks ago when Nique and I went day drinking and it pretty much went from there."

"Girl stop lying Queen got in his car "

They all stated laughing

"We went back to his place and I did sleep with him I'm not gone lie but I was super drunk"

"Wait what.." Carmen said as she looked at Queen in a disgusted way

"I'm a grown ass women"

"Okay so what about Clarence?"

"It was a one time thing, I was drunk and it's been like 3 weeks so I don't think I need to tell him"

"The way act I wouldn't" Nique said as she picked up a sandwich off the tray

"Eww is that Tuna?"

Queen said as she made this weird face

"Yeah what's wrong"

"Omg, I'll be right back"

Queen got up and ran off to the bathroom.


This chapter was not fixed so there maybe a few errors

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Happy new year, Happy easter and all that good shit, stay safe y'all  😭❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2020 ⏰

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