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Twilight Time...

That is what Twilight uses to call one day of the week where she would spend time with Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo in order to teach them different new things. As usual, the three fillies were searching for a special talent so that they could finally get their Cutie Marks. But one day they figured that they might need a little bit of help. They asked Twilight for that and before anypony knew, Twilight Time was born.

Twilight Time would usually take place in the Golden Oak Library once in a week and today was one of those days. Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo all were busy learning new things while Twilight did her best to look over them and giving them advice. And the three were already at it with their new skills.

"Uh, Sweetie Belle, maybe we should run through the steps another few times before you try it on your own," Twilight advised before Sweetie Belle was about to see how much she improved recently.

"Nope. Ready to give it a shot!" The filly replied, confidently.

"Okay then!" Twilight said, trying to not get in the way of the Sweetie Belle's enthusiasm.

Only a few moments later, the tip of Sweetie Belle's horn faintly began to glow in a light green color. She concentrated magic towards a broom that was leaned against the wall next to the entrance door. Sweetie Belle tried to lift the broom above the ground using only magic. She managed to form a light green aura around it and it began to shake a little. But to get to that point alone, Sweetie Belle had to give it her all.

"Can't... seem... to...!" She said while she focused on moving the broom. She clearly had a hard time pulling this off, straining and sweating heavily in the process. Eventually, this all came to an end once a click could be heard coming from Sweetie Belle's neck. "Ugh! Think I threw my neck out..." Sweetie Belle said with some slight pain coming from her neck.

Her friends, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo quickly walked towards the filly to cheer her up again. "Aw, you're okay," Scootaloo said.

"A little more magic practice and liftin' brooms'll be a cinch!" Apple Bloom added, trying to cheer the filly up again.

But Sweetie Belle was not too convinced about that. "I doubt it. That thing weighs a ton," she said almost out of respect for this broom.

Then, almost on cue, Spike entered the Library, saying that he was looking for his broom. He quickly spotted it right before his feet and picked it up happily and juggled it around in the air like it was nothing. Seeing that was like hammering down a nail on a coffin for Sweetie Belle and didn't help to make her feel confident.

"You call that difficult?" Star Twinkle asked who just now spoke up after watching all of that. "Look what I have to lift off the ground..." he said while he pointed towards a small bookshelf that he was supposed to lift with his magic. For him lifting that and lifting a broom was worlds apart and he wanted to make sure everyone knew it. But the three fillies were not paying attention too much and returned to their own tasks again.

Scootaloo, for example, was busy putting a unicycle together with some parts that she took apart from one before. She seemed to struggle for a moment and wanted some help from Twilight. However, Twilight reminded the filly what she was really here for. "Scootaloo, I already told you I won't show you how, but I'll help you find the instructions so you can figure it out yourself,"

Needless to say, Scootaloo was not too excited to hear this. "Ugh, I hate research!" She said before she went to the bookshelf that Twilight pointed her towards to so that she could figure it out herself, just like Twilight said.

Apple Bloom was the next one to try out something. But before she started, she couldn't help but express her gratitude to Twilight. "Thanks so much for helpin' us all learn these new skills, Twilight," she said as she walked towards her working place.

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