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Blinding lights entered my peripheral vision, jolting me back into reality. Cold shivers crept along the surface of my skin. A perplexed expression left my face as I observed my surroundings. Gasping, water gagged its way out of my lungs. I leapt out of a glass rectangular box with a steel outline and ladder. It's a wonder I didn't drown. But the question is Who am I? I think as I wander towards a bright flash of colour within the room. Dusting off the computer screen, I take the opportunity to look at myself in the reflection. To my surprise, I am a tanned male Homosapien with wild brown long greasy hair and light hazel eyes that glow wonder. I looked.... young? Around the mid to late twenties.

"I don't want to talk to anyone, but I have to," I say to myself while strolling out the lab-like room. Walking through the withered walls halls, multiple rooms appear and a timid feeling arises in the back of my chest. Inventions, and several of them, working like slaves. Scarily I can see right through every invention and their parts. I don't think that's something humans can do. I brushed the thought away and kept on walking along the corridor.

I see four short penguin-like robots in suits. Damn it. Awkward situation here we go. I need to figure out a script to talk to them. I walk over to them, fidgeting, casting a shadow over my features.

"Uh, Hell-" They interrupt and say "Master I-Am-Clever-Artie" bowed, then continued on their way. "Master-I-Am-Clever-Artie?" The robots didn't hear my confusion and kept on their way. "That was just rude".

So am I the 'Master' to this establishment? I was given a tip to go to the 'Confidence Booster Room' by another robot that happened to find its way past me. Despite my suspicions of this place, this room could be the key to my past. 

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