Chapter 3: Clues Here And There

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Third Person's POV

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Third Person's POV

The team of Yeonseok and Kwangsoo arrived at the Brothers Catering. They entered and saw the same truck earlier. They greeted the man who seems like a manager and then started investigating silently. They noticed a string of wire attached to the truck.

"Sir you were in a catering earlier, right? The one that is located in a large house?" Kwangsoo asked the man and the man agreed to his answer quickly.

"Actually, a murder just occurred that ti-" Yeonseok was butted in by Kwangsoo that nudged him to silence.

"We're sorry but we can't help but doubt. You see, earlier, after the gunshots were fired, a blonde young man ran to this truck and went without saying his whereabouts. Is he here now?" Kwangsoo asked, unsure of the situation.

The man started walking inside the facility and then pointed out to the back part of the place. "Isn't that him?" He said as he saw a blonde man that was handling boxes.

The blonde seems to notice the commotion and started to run as fast as he can, not minding all the obstacles on his way. Kwangsoo and Yeonseok followed with full speed yet they seem to lost him. They found themselves in the entrance of the shop again, roaming their eyes around the area.

Yeonseok squinted his eyes towards the footbridge and found a familiar onde colored hair. "Hyung! He's there!" He shouted and then started to make a run for it.

After a long chase, they finally caught the blonde man. "I didn't mean it! It was just to pretty to resist!" The blonde said once Kwangsoo locked his hands together.

 "I didn't mean it! It was just to pretty to resist!" The blonde said once Kwangsoo locked his hands together

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"What are you talking about?" Kwangsoo asked, holding the man tight.

"I just stole the watch! Noting else!" The man said in a guilty manner.

"You saw us right?" Kwangsoo asked at the young man completely denied. Kwangsoo gave him a nice soft slap to wake him up and laughed.

They sat down on one of the bench and then started interrogating the man. "Why did you kill him?" Yeonseok asked as they sat down.

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