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Jeongguk's point of view

since I didn't really meet new people I was extremely shy at first, but this Jimin guy gave me a good feeling for some reason. I'm not too sure what it was, but I felt safe when Jimin was around.

"I-I've only seen you.. um.. a few times, a-are you new h-here?"

"oh no! I've been here for all my years, I have seen you a lot though I just never had the chance to say hi or anything. If I did I would definitely try and become friends with you" he said while smiling. even though I just met him, I love his smile.

"o-oh, s-sorry last question.. how do you know T-Tae"

"since he's in most of my classes we decided to become friends! he talks about you sometimes before you got here so I guess I kinda knew you before a little bit"

"now that we have introductions out of the way, lets head to the cafe!" I heard Taehyung say, and if I'm being honest, I forgot he was there. I was in a some sort of a trance by Jimin. I'm not sure what it was either, hes just so... enhancing?

sooner or later, we all agreed to head to the cafe. on the way I learned a few things about Jimin. he was obviously taller than me, he's very outgoing, he seems like a calm but bubbly person (kinda like Tae?), he can dance and sing!

I would have loved him. except for the fact that I just met him, and I still need to find the person who's sending me these letters..

one weird thing about Jimin though. he never told me his surname. to me, I find this weird. I mean I've always greeted people with my first and last name and normally they would do the same.

we end up at the cafe and, of course, walking in. we sat down and looked at menus until a server came over to take our order

"hello and welcome to Bangtan Cafe, I hope you like what's on the menu. now what would you three like?" said a man with brown hair and broad shoulders. I almost laughed but I'd make a fool of myself so I didn't

"hello, Jin hyung! can I get a hot chocolate with some mint in it and a biscuit please?" Jimin hyung said. so apparently he knew this broad shouldered man and his name was Jin? I don't know.

"I'll get a chai tea and the black forest cake I think it was called?" Tae said next

"that's what it's called! now what about you? would you like anything?"

oh dear it was my turn. I quickly looked at Tae as if trying to say I wanted him to say my order for me. thankfully he understood and said to point to what I wanted. I quickly pointed to the iced caramel coffee and strawberry mochi.

"he'll have a iced caramel coffee and strawberry mochi" Tae said cooly for me. I don't get how people can do this? interaction? without getting scared? I don't understand. I just sat there with my head down until the Jin man left.

"cmon Ggukie, you need to start overcoming your fear!"

"easy for you to say. and I have quite a few fears so I have no clue what fear you're talking about" I said smirking a little.

"yeah yeah, I'll specify it for you. you know, the one where you can't talk to anyone you don't know yet? you know, just like you did with Jiminie here? that fear?"

"ok ok I get it" I said slumping down in my chair more

around 10 minutes later our food and drinks came, which also happened to be the same time the Jin dude was off of work apparently. well great.

「 Flowers for Love 」  jjk x pjmㅣ COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now