The Alcoholic Princess

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         It was written that Lucifer was once a beautiful angel until his envy consumed him.  He challenged God and tried to over throw Him but in the end of that battle he lost and was banished to this place humans call "Hell".  He then was given a new name "Satan"; the ruler of all that is evil and unjust.  After his banishment the angels that were so loyal to God began to sway away from Him and offered their undying loyalty to Satan; these angels were called "fallen angels".  They walk about amongs humans and carry out the "evil deeds" of their master.  After seeing this God sent a few of what was left of his beloved angels to the human world to counter Satan's evil plot on enslaving all of the human race.  When the angels came to the human world they started to fall for the daughters and sons of man. So on and so forth this caused them to lose thier wings since they chose to stay in the human world with thier lovers; not to mention that falling in love with a human was a great offense. The fallen angels procreated with humans creating a breed of super humans we now call "Nephilims".  These were creatures of beauty, intelligence and extrordinary gifts that no ordinary human would ever posses.

        Okay, so Im not telling you all of this because Im a Nephilim or something like that.  Trust me, Im just an ordinary Filipino university student whose currently trying to get absolutely impossible high grades. But myths and legends are what I love. I love reading about them. It gives me a certain high.  Im highly obssessed with Fallen Angels though.  I mean I cant seem to understand why they would fall for humans. We're extremely flawed materialistic egocentric narssasistic ignorant scumbag creatures.  "Sigh", I took out my left earphone since my ear was starting to hurt.  I look at my phone.  No messages.  "Honestly, I mean angels are far more superior to us.  It's so weird why they would fall for us humans", I say my thoughts out loud thinking that the library was deserted at the lonely and late hour of 10PM. 

                "Hmm...maybe thats the reason why they fell in love with humans.  Since theyre so flawless and humans are just brimming with flaws", a random voice behind me answers.  Startled, I immediately jump out of my seat and stare at the boy that was behind me.  He is tall.  About 5'8"-9".   Dark charcoal black hair.  Long side swept bangs that slightly cover his right eye.  Then, luminous hypnotising amber eyes with a hint of blue in them.  I stare at him thinking to myself that he seems so familiar.  I mean Im good with faces but Im very terrible with names.  "'s Caleb.  We have Psychology together.  You always take the row of seats about a third way to the top since you cant see fairly well and I quote, 'Everyone is too tall and I need a 3.38 GPA'", he answers my thoughts and creepily knows a lot of stuff about me.  He's either a mind reader or a stalker.  Maybe both.  "Im not a stalker or a mind reader.  I over heard you talking to your friends about the seat thing and your face kind of gives away what youre thinking", he softly chuckles. 

        "Er...m...Eli...zabeth", I manage to croak out my name. My full name is Elizabeth Ann Sulla.  I know its a mouthful.  Anyways, everyone calls me Elizabeth but I prefer to be called Eli since Elizabeth sounds old and boring. 

        I guess at this point I should say a short intro of who I am and what I sort of look like(?).   Like I said before my name is Elizabeth Ann Sulla.  My nationality is Filipino (if you guys dont know what a Filipino is please use google.  It exists for a reason).   Im pretty short for being a 19 year old university student trying to get into law school.   By pretty short I mean I'm 4'6.7".  Dont laugh. I know Im short and tiny you dont need to rub it in my face.  Moving on to what I look like...I guess I dont look like most Filipinos. I  look like Im half Chinese/Japanese and half Filipino (if you dont know what that looks like then you dont have much of an imagination).  I really dont want to go into an all out rant about what I look like mainly because I dispise myself.  Welp, thats pretty much it.  That's all you need to know (for now).

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