Isn't This What You Call... A New Beginning?

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I'm living in a home. A house fulled with hopes and dreams. Mother hopes for a clean perfect house. Father hopes for perfect children in his house.  My older sister dreams for a happy life. The younger one wants to be rich to full the pain our family have in our hearts.

"What do you want for Christmas, Kami?" My mother asked me as I help clean up my home. 'What do I... want?' I thought.

"I want to live..." I whispered. I looked back at my mom to see if she heard me.

"What did you say?" My older sister asked.

I sighed. "Nothing much. Maybe a new sketchpad? Or color pencils."

"Will that make you happy?" The youngest said counting the money she got by selling her toys to younger kids.

'Of course not.' "Yes it will." I smiled at her.

"Sktechpad or colorpencils. Pick one." My mom said as she washes the dishes.

"Hard to choose..." I whispered

"Why not pick both?" The eldest smiled at me.

'Are you trying to spoil me?' I thought.

"Are you trying to spoil her?" My mom as a bit mad. "I want my littke ones to live strongly without a man dragging her butt around and we dont have the money to pay for 4 presents."

I quietly sighed. "Its fine. You dont have to get me anything. Its not like I will use it anyways." I put away the supplies I used and walked into my room. "I am done. If you truly need me I will be in my room." I glance at my wall which was filled with pictures that I have sketch, painted, and drew.

"I am getting better at drawing." I whispered to myself.

A whole wall full of my pictures ever since I was 8 until now- until I am now 14 in a couple more days I will turn 15. My whole life I was a puppet with a timed bomd as a family. One wrong move everything comes down on me. As I carefully please my family, I smiled and I walk and I talk and I dance and now I breath the way my family wishes me too. If I dont follow the way my family wants me too, I have cutted the wring wire and the life I always wanted to life disappears before me.

"Kami!" My father yelled my name. We all speaks 2 languages. Well most of us. I can understand and speak most of it and with this time bomd family it is death after death.

"This dad?" I ask.

"No! Of course not!" He yells at me in another language. 

"What the hell are you doing?! Your stressing your father out!" My mother yells too.

"Kami what are you doing?! I cant believe you are making peoole mad agaib?! Can't you do anything right?!" the oldest got mad.

"Geez even I know what it is. You are such a disappointment." My younger sister says.

Oh what do I do now? I sit there and hear the words coming at me. SMACK!

"Don't you dare sit there and say nothing!" My older sister yells at me.

"I am sorry." I said looking down so they dont see me cry. As I reason to them yelling at me for being stupid and crying, I wonder if there was a world worst than this.

Once it is over, it was already 6:45 am. We clean up before we leave for work, school, and etc. "I-I'm leaving." I said as I held my hand where I was smacked.

"Hold up." My mother said. "Put make up on that mark so you can cover it up." I walked into the bathroom and covered it up with foundation. 'This is proof that she wants her family to look innocent.' I thought as I looked at myself.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2014 ⏰

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