Season Finale

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Enzo's Confessional
"I've been at furniture stores all day replacing stuff Carmella destroyed." "She caused over $500,000 in damage." "And if she thinks she's just gonna blame this all on scorn, it's not gonna happen." "I'm gonna sue her for all that money." "I don't care what I did." "There is no excuse for destroying my home." "She wants to play, let's play." "I told her I was taking her to court a few days ago, and she called my phone yelling and shit." "She said she wanted to meet with me, and I couldn't pass up the chance to personally see the look on her face."

Carmella walks up to Enzo

Enzo: What's up mama?

Carmella: Really? You wanna be petty, okay. I get that you're a child, but let's remember who this is really about.

Enzo: Who would that be?

Carmella: Liv, Enzo. You cheated on me with her. Do you have any idea how much that hurt?

Enzo: Are you kidding me? You bleached my fucking clothes, broke my furniture, sliced my couch, and ruined my shoes. And you wanna talk about Liv? Get the fuck outta here, Mella. You're full of shit.

Carmella: You're joking me right? It serves you right for what you did to me.

Enzo: You're gonna pay me back every cent. I could've had your crazy ass arrested for breaking in my house. I'm being more than generous to you. If you haven't noticed, I'm not doing all this extra shit you're doing. I'm chill.

Carmella: Exactly. I haven't heard an I'm sorry yet. You embarrassed me, and you fucked me over. What's done is done.

Enzo: So why'd you go and ruin my shit then? If you're all about being done, why'd you do it?

Carmella: Because I could. You wanna laugh in my face, laugh at my pain? Okay. Those precious $200 shoes you love so much are fucked up.

Enzo: You are a crazy broad. I'm not even gonna listen to you right now. Run me my money, and we'll be good. Okay doll?

Carmella: You really think you're so smooth. You're a sad little boy.

Enzo: Yeah, alright baby girl. Say what you want to.

Carmella: You are a piece of shit. I swear if we were anywhere else, I'd slap your stupid ass across—.

Man: Yo man. You're Enzo Amore and Carmella from WWE. Can I get a picture real quick?

Enzo: No problem man. Mella? Do you mind standing for a picture with this gentleman?

Carmella: Of course not. I'd be happy to.

Enzo and Carmella pose for a picture with the man

Man: Thanks man. Bro. Carmella? You don't even know how long I've waited to meet you. And now that I have enough courage, I wanna tell you something.

Carmella: You're not gonna ask me to marry you are you? *laughs*

Man: Of course not. I'm not weirdo fan. I just wanted to congratulate you.

Carmella: On what?

Man: Congratulations. You've been served.

The man gives Carmella an envelope and walks away

Carmella: Are you fucking serious? A restraining order? Get the fuck outta here Enzo.

Enzo: Nah sweetie. You get the fuck outta here before I call the police and have you arrested. This is your only freebie. Turn around and walk away from me. You lost baby girl. It's over for you and I. Don't leave your dignity behind too. Bye.

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