Yes it has been a while hasn't it

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I know I know it has been a long time since you last heard anything from me and there are a lot of reasons for that and mostly from stress and panic.

When I first wrote this story I was depressed and I had nothing to worry about with school since I had good grades. Now everything is different and if I remember correctly some of you wanted to know my situation and I will tell you a little more.

This is my last year at this school and my presence in the school has severely decreased since November from a 1,2 % not being in school because of hospital check-ups and being sick. today it is sadly above 70% I think I don't know for sure.

what happened was I have a sensitive stomach and a lazy gut and I mean super lazy. Why do anything of that has to do with it well my stomach is refusing any kind of food or in better explanation, you want to be healthy? f that here are your consequences and suffer. It's not the only problem. one Monday I only sleep I did nothing except sleeping and that's normal when you are sick right but not for me. 

I have ADHD so basically, my body produces a way to much energy and I have a hard time sitting or lying still when bored so me only sleeping all day is bad really bad. eventually, I ended up in an emergency the day after and spent four hours there.

If you ask me it was not worth it but also disappointing. I waited four hours for a normal check-up. why? I recently got diagnosed with the lazy gut and we had an appointment with a doctor but over mobile.

 Now moving on ok this year we have nationally exam is like 30% of your final grade and I just got info on that we have chemistry and I'm domed why well I got an F because I didn't draw the structure of an atom in her view correctly..... so that's the deep poop I'm in. 

At the moment I'm entirely stressful panicking I have been missing school because of being too weak and not trusted to be able to walk for half an hour by myself. guess what? I missed 2 test and have an assignment on Friday for at least 1 and a half pages on space and 4 other assignments. I'm great totally not giving up already and totally do not have 9 more years after this one .-.

In the chapter final countdown, (no pun intended) I mention that I was depressed well not anymore since we got a dog and he is the ultimate adorable of adorableness ( doesn't make sense? good is not supposed to) I will put some pictures and maybe a video of him to the info and question book not wanting to take any more space in this one and maybe move some none chapter as well ( most likely not too lazy :b).

You most likely heard about the coronavirus if not where have you been? why I'm bringing this up is it made its way into my country and is now spreading through trains from the second biggest capital. Why is worrying me is that my city is connected to trough trains but at least we have good healthcare.

 If I get infected my survival chance will be quite low. It is all because of my asthma and if I get Pneumonia I'm not allowed to leave the house since it is very dangerous for me and I can die from it... now, what would the coronavirus do to me most likely dead. yeah is sad news I know I don't have much happy news.

The next chapter is currently att 4700 characters. that is around the time where everything started going downhill. 

Also thanks soo much guys I never would of guess that this book would actually come this far
Thank everyone who read this book.🥰

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2020 ⏰

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