You accidently bumped Akainu

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You were just sitting at your office doing boring work as always. You just can't wait to get a break and go to the smoking area and smoke with your senpais. After your were done with your paper work it was finally time for your break. You start to run towards to the smoking area until you bumped to someone's back. You immediately knew that you bumped into a man's back because of the hard muscles. "Watch were your going" said the huge man. It was the most manliest voice that you ever heard that it makes you shiver for a bit. "Im sorry sir I didn't meant to bump into you" you immediately apologize to the man while you bow your head multiple times. "Why you in a hurry anyway?" Asked the man in a more kind voice. "I just can't wait to smoke with my senpais sir."you answered with a relief that he wasn't mad at you. The man giggled and pats your head like your a kid or something, but you weren't annoyed at all, for some reason you like it. "Im heading to the smoking area too. Let's go together." Answered the man while showing you his huge cigar. "What's your name?" Asked the huge man to you. "(Y/N)" you answered to him with a huge smile. "Akainu Sakazuki. You can call me Sakazuki in short. I prefer not to be called senpai or sir."said Akainu while giving you his hand. "Nice to meet you Sakazuki" you shake his hand while both of you smile to each other. "Now shall we go to the smoking area?" You asked him while he gave you one of his huge cigars. "Of course" answered Akainu as both of you starts to walk towards the smoking area.

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