Life's Beginning

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The day I was born is when it all began, I had recently lost my father at the age of 1, at the time I did not know what was happening, I didn't know my father was gone, no ever told me, but somehow I felt like I always knew he was gone. Growing up without a father was tough, I had no one to teach all the things a father should teach they're kids. My mom cried at his funeral, this was the first time I ever have seen my mother cry, as I stand there in a daze, she says "Jaevien I'm going on a vacation away from all this madness, I'm leaving you with your great-great-aunt Mott."

I arrived at my aunt shortly after my mom dropped me off, I stand at the door not knowing who the woman was. I go to knock on the door, but I hesitate. After five minutes of just standing at the door, I swallow all my fear and knock. After the woman opens the door all my fear leaves suddenly. She was wearing a floral duster gown, she was short, with a frail body. She invites me into her home as we walk her halls, she introduces me to her husband, Lonnie. He was light skin, overweight man, with the best of smiles. Lonnie was nice to me, he asked if my mom fed me yet? I replied with no.

As we walked toward the kitchen area of the house, he prepares chicken green beans, and biscuits. The food smelled heavenly, I could hardly contain myself any longer! After I took a bite out of each one, I could feel my body melting. The food was excellent, bite after bite I could feel myself getting full. Mott and Lonnie were great people, I wasn't expecting the family me as if I were one of they're kids. 

After staying with Mott and Lonnie for two years, they decided it was time for me to start school, I was nervous at the thought of school, I was scared that I wouldn't fit in with the other kids and that I wouldn't make any friends! After I was dropped off by Lonnie my body was stiff from head to toe, I couldn't move! After ten minutes of standing in place, a teacher came along. The teacher was nice, kind, and friendly I trusted the teacher and lost sight of Lonnie.

The first day of school was easy, I may have made no friends that day, but I was willing to try again the next day. The second day was different, teachers seemed less kind and kids seemed less stable than yesterday, I knew that school was going to be easy. After five hours of school, I felt exhausted I didn't eat I went straight to bed. After the day I had yesterday I was feeling more confident than ever I felt, I felt like I was gonna make friends today, I was wrong, but I didn't let that get me down. Later that night I found Mott crying, "what's wrong?" ''

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