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- Isa-a-ac...

Lahey rolled over, lying on the bed with closed eyes, not covered by the blanket.

- Isa-a-ac...

He winced and rolled onto his back.

- Isaac!

He flinched and sat up, looking around the room, breathing hard. His heart beat faster when he realized that he's in his old house where he lived with his father. And that voice was very similar to...

- Mr. Harris said you have problems with your grades.

- W-what? - Lahey swallows, looking ahead at the dark figure standing in the shadows opposite the bed.

- Is it so difficult to study well? Maybe you have some developmental abnormalities? Or are you not smart enough to study as good as your older brother?

- Camden... - Isaac whispered, feeling he started sweating with fear and nervousness.

- Do you know that he died because of you, just like your mother? - the teenager let out a shaky breath.

- I'm sorry... I'm so sorry... - he lowered his head, feeling a lump in his throat.

- You're not sorry enough! - the voice didn't sounded calm anymore, now the man standing in front of the bed began to yell at the teen. - Your whole family died because of you!

- I d-didn't know-

- You even killed me!

- I'm sorry... - Lahey covered his face with his hands, feeling tears runs down his cheeks and the guilt is eating him from the inside. - W-what do you want me to do?

- I want you to be punished.

Isaac looked ahead, slightly surprised by the answer. The dark figure took a step forward, and Isaac could've sworn he heard the clink of chains.
The teenager froze in fear and shivered slightly when he saw his father standing in front of the bed, holding the chains in his hands.

- This is my responsibility as a parent, - elder Lahey said in a calm voice, as if this was a totally normal situation.

It took Isaac a couple of seconds to examine his father and see where the chain in his hands led. Then he looked at his father with horror and incredible fear in his eyes, seeing that the other end of the chain was wrapped around his left ankle.

- D-dad please...

Isaac didn't finish the sentence before his father's face changed. His eyes flashed with rage, and his face twisted in an evil grin. The man pulled the chain.

- N-no, not again!

Isaac screamed in horror as his body slid toward his father. He fell off the bed and was completely covered with hysteria when instead of a wooden floor under him he saw a white color and felt cold. He looked up and began to struggle to get up, keeping yelling. He could see the white walls of the freezer. His father looked down at him with an evil satisfied smirk. He pulled the chain again, this time it let go of the teen's ankle, but instead wrapped itself around the freezer, slamming it shut.

Isaac's eyes flashed as he felt the hit on his face. He opened his eyes in a state of panic, and seeing only two blurred figures in front of him, he began to growl, baring his fangs.

- Isaac, calm down!

Lahey heard a familiar voice, but a sense of panic kept him from focusing. He continued growling.

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