Brilliant Mind

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  Jazz liked to think that he's a caring and kind mech. He always made sure his scouts and fellow autoboots were okay after harsh battles or just a hard day in general. He was a shoulder to cry on if needed and offered any advice in times that called for it. It was who he was, he couldn't in good conscience just leave a mech when they were in hard and difficult times.

So, when he walked through the large doors provided for him within the private room Ginger was given, he knew something was off. He could feel it swirling in the air within the darkroom and it was coming from the female bundled up in several large blankets on her bed and an abundance of snacks surrounding her. If his optics didn't adjust to the dim room, he wouldn't have noticed her as quickly as he did. The flat-screen across from her was lit up with an awful cliché horror movie playing, the sound at a decent volume.

Jazz raised an optic ridge at the sight, she was watching 'Creepshow 3' a movie she had stated her detest for when it had been Hot Rod's turn to pick a movie during their Halloween movie night last October. The mech walked over to the metal loft that was Ginger's room for said mech's access when he wanted to speak with the female face to face.

"hey Buttercup, what's goin' on?" he rested his arms upon the railing of the loft as he peeked down at the redhead from her left, Ginger simply shrugged at the greeting.

"Nothin'." Came the soft mutter, her eyes never straying from the screen of the television, Jazz frowned with concern at the short answer. The red head's brown eyes were red-rimmed, her shoulder-length hair was mussed up and stood in odd angels as it peeked out of her blanket burrito. Her face was flushed a slight pink and blotchy showing that the female had been crying sometime earlier. He was sure that she was wearing her kitty pajamas underneath the many blankets and her fuzzy socks.

The Saboteur gave a gentle poke with his digit to the soft blankets, "It doesn't sound like nothin'. What's botherin' ya?" the mech rumbled softly, he didn't like it when the short human was upset like this. She was like Prowl in a way, closing herself up when something was bothering her and avoiding the situation until she was ready to come back out. Ultimately ignoring the problem and choosing to keep silent about it until the cycle repeats itself again.

She fidgeted at the soft poke and curled the blankets closer to her small body, her eyes finally straying away from the current scene that was playing out on the film. The graphics and plot looked awful from a single glance at it and wondered how the female didn't cringe just from watching it. Jazz placed his attention back on Ginger who was currently staring at her fabric-covered hands, biting at her lips as she seemed to be contemplating if she would tell him the real problem or not.

It was usually how their conversations went when she was like this. The redhead would run through the jumble of thoughts currently running through her head, arguing with herself on if she should tell him and what would happen when she did. How he would react or what he would say, if it was stupid or childish for her to worry about the thing that bothered her or if it was just meaningless altogether.

The latter had happened once with Prowl when the SIC had found her in this position whilst Jazz was away on a mission with Epps. Jazz had received a comm of a panicked tactician asking what he had done wrong to make the small human cry the way she was, the Saboteur had to endure the pain it brought him when he heard the loud wails on the other end of the comms and instruct Prowl on how to calm her until he was able to physically be there himself to remedy the situation.

Now the tactician merely did the basics Jazz had taught him when he returned to ensure the incident wouldn't happen again, though sometimes there really wasn't a way to keep it from happening. It all mattered on how to reassure her and bring the smile back to her small round face of hers.

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