
236 3 6

This Oc belongs to wholeftmywindowopen

Name: Funneltail. Known as Storm to Flamebird.
Never found out why his nickname is Storm...

Past names: Funnel, Funnelpaw
Nothing wrong here

Name Reason: His prefix is because of his curly fur, and his suffix takes a bit of explaining. Basically, Eveningstar has a lot of naming flair. He gives people really cool and random names, but he h a t e s Funneltail and gives him a boring (by Eveningstar standards) name out of spite.
Ok, the suffix reason is kind of unique :3

Appearance: A tallish cream Selkirk Rex with amber eyes.
Not bad! I like the overall description, but it needs more a lot more detail in my opinion...

Gender: Tom

Age: Maybe like 23 in human years? idk he's four moons older than Flamebird tho.
Ok, so they're both young warriors, but you could just make her 21 moons and him 25 moons

Personality: he's very sweet and caring, but can be overbearing. He dwells too much on past events and tends to blame himself for things that aren't his fault, which is problematic even if they are his fault, since he takes the blame off everyone else. He's very sympathetic and worrisome.
Alright, I like his worrisome UwU personality, and the "taking the blame for everything" aspect is good too! Seems balanced overall

Sexuality: idk
Ehh... Not much to say on this

Clan: Sky
Okay, so you decided on SkyClan

Rank: Warrior

Kin: He was born a loner, so his kin are never really seen in this story. His father was a kittypet and his mother died when he was young.
Ok.... I've said this before though, even if the character doesn't know them, I'd still like there names and appearances to decide if they make sense with the character

Mate: Flamebird

Kits: Same as Flamebird
Same critique as before

Friends: same as Flamebird
Uhh... Same as what I said on Flamebird

Backstory:  ^^^
Okay...? They don't have the exact same backstory. Where was he born? Who were his parents? Siblings? It said in Flamebird's backstory that he came to the clan at 6 moons, so what happened in that period of time to lead him to clan life? You could very well show us how the dog incident affected him, his relationship with Eveningstar, and how he fell in love with Flamebird and his kits.

Review: Okay, so I'm gonna be honest. I don't really see the point of me rating him, because most of the stuff was really simple, or was already in Flamebird's backstory. I think you could've included some extra details in Flamebird's entry, that would've basically added up to this rating.
If you wanted to enter him separate I would've liked a lot more detail on his kin and how his life was before he ended up in the clan. I mean, six moons is a pretty good amount of time to describe some events in his life and maybe why he decided to leave his kittypet life.
Basically just more depth on everything, especially in the backstory. Funneltail and Flamebird are not going to have the exact same past and I wanted to see his point of view on everything.

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