The house

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Bonnie: Let's see...*tries to look in the car windows* What do we have here? *after giving one final look* It's empty!

Mia: Huh. 

Bonnie: It's just sitting out here in the middle of the road.

Mia: Those people might sound careless if they want their car to be left out here. What are we going to do?

Bonnie: Just gonna...just gonna... go over to this house and see if-who is that?

Mia: Heard it this time! This is starting to creep me out a little bit. *thinking* Now I see what Hyena meant by when the sun sets, real danger awaits ahead.

Bonnie: The door's just open!

Mia: Just get in the house! 

They both went in the house finding that no one's inside the house.

Bonnie: Who leave their house just opened?

Mia: I don't know...

Bonnie: I mean I don't get out much but still!

Mia: It's super dark! There's like very little light in here!

Bonnie: Hello? Hello? Is anybody home? Oh man...nobody's here.

Mia: Well that's a bummer. *finds a piece of paper* Bonnie? What is that?

Bonnie: Uh oh...*takes the paper out of Mia's hands* "Hey Kate, it's been a while since we last spoken..." Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, I don't have to read this mess.

Mia: I'm keeping it though.

Bonnie: This house is waaaaay too dark.

Mia: If we find a flashlight it would be useful.

Bonnie: I can't handle this. *walks into the dining room* I can't handle this-what is this?

Mia: *picks up the photo* "Honoring the life of Beth Hayes. October 18 2008 9:00am Grace Hill Cemetery"? I feel bad for that woman. Must be a relative to Kate I believe. We should probably look around the house and see if we can find a flashlight or any source of light.

Bonnie: Okay...if you say so...

They began to search the house for a flashlight or any sort of clue of the house's history.

Mia: *walks into the kitchen* What is that smell? It smells like something's rotting in here! *goes to the sink and plugs her nose* Oh god! Bonnie you might not like what I found!

Bonnie: Ewwwww! Somebody left this mess in the sink-it's full!

Mia: Yeah. It's either chilli or beans. 

Bonnie: They didn't even eat any of it-it stinks!

Mia: No heck Sherlock. 

Bonnie: We gotta get out of here. This smells so gross. *walks out of the kitchen and Mia does the same* 

Mia: Can I breathe now?

Bonnie: Yeah don't want ya passing out over there.

Mia: Look at this! Seems like the owner loves playing Chess.

Bonnie: *picks up the queen piece* Who sets up a Chess board and just leaves?

Mia: There's even a piano in here! Bonnie, why don't you give it a go?

Bonnie: Okay...*plays a couple of notes and sighs* I'd suck at playing the piano.

Mia: Why? That was pretty good!

Bonnie: *climbs up the stairs* Who just goes and leaves a house unattended?

Mia: Robbers would mostly likely find this place if they don't have good security. *looks at the walls while holding the ramp* Or cleaning services for that matter.

They both went up the stairs and went down a hallway where there are two doors and a window at the end of the hallway. 

Mia: *tries to open the door* Locked. Bonnie what are you doing?

Bonnie: *opens window* Hiiiiiiiiiii!!!!

Mia: *tries not to laugh* What was that?

Bonnie: Nobody's around...this is ridiculous!

Mia: Did you really have to scream out the window though? *walks into a room* Woah okay now it's pitch black in here.

Bonnie: I can't see a thing! There's no light switches or anything! I need something to see.

Mia: There's still no sign of a flashlight in here either!

Bonnie: *opens door* Woah! This room is dark I'm getting out of here! *walks out of the room* 

Mia: Me too!

Bonnie: *goes back downstairs* I can't see anything!

Mia: Me neither!

Bonnie: *looks on a table* Oh! Look! Look!

Mia: What? *notices the flashlight* Yes! Speak of the devil!

Bonnie: *gasps in delight* I got us a flashlight!

Mia: Finally! About time!

Bonnie: Good, now we can go upstairs, and see if anybody's home! 

Mia and Bonnie: *eye sights are starting to glitch out* 

Bonnie: What? What?

Mia: What was that?

Bonnie: My censors just went off!

Mia: So did mine!

Bonnie: What the heck was that? Something just got inside my head for a second. *goes into a bedroom* What is going on in this place? I hope this house isn't haunted.

Mia: Come on Bonnie, you don't believe in haunted houses do you?

Bonnie: N-no. Okay maybe a little.

Mia: It's okay.

Bonnie: *opens the door to the upstairs bathroom* What is this? Some keys. *picks up the keys* 

Mia: Might've been the keys to the car outside.

Mia and Bonnie: *heard swipping noises and eye sight started glitching again*

Bonnie: My censors did it again!

Mia: It happened again! 

Bonnie: *opens window* What is going on in this place? This house is a mess! What the heck went on here?

Mia: *opens another door* I don't know-oh geez! You should see what's inside!

Bonnie: *enters the bedroom* Wow! Look at all these weird drawings. This must've been one really messed up kid. They drew all over the walls!

Mia: I used to draw on the walls as a kid but not like this! They even leave a message!

Bonnie: "Can you see it". Can I see what?

Mia: "Escape", "Stop", "Safe"? What does that mean? And is that a picture of a radio tower?

Bonnie: Oh, this is really weird-what is this? *picks up drawing* "To the woods"?

Mia and Bonnie: *hears a little girl screaming* 

Mia: Is anyone out there?

Bonnie: Oh my god what the hell was that?

Mia: That girl sounded like she's in trouble!

Bonnie: We gotta get out of here!

Mia: Right behind you, Bonnie!

Bonnie: Gotta get out of here! I don't know what's going on! Okay, that's it I'm getting out of this place.

Mia: I keep hearing screams, seeing weird pictures and a rotting bowl of chilli or beans in the sink! *shudders*

Bonnie: I'm not staying in this house. Mostly because of the rotting mess in that sink that nobody ate.

They both opened the door and left that house leaving everything else behind.

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