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Hi guys! Before I start talking bout this part I just want so say thanks again for the reads and likes! It means so much to me that people are actually reading this!!

Anyway as you may have noticed this book doesn't have a proper cover. I personally am not a artistic person so I was wondering if you wanted to help. If you do, awesome!

If you want to make a cover you can do just about anything you want. Just make sure it has the title "One Direction Memes" or simply just "One Direction". Also please don't purposely leave out one of the boys. I've noticed Zayn gets a lot of hate for leaving 1D and Niall gets hate with people saying he doesn't deserve to be in the band.

So, make sure it has a title, my user (limelight3seavey), NO HATE, and whatever else you wish to add.

Send them to me either through Wattpad or using my email ( If I get more than one I'll make a chapter thingy where I let you guys vote for your favorite.
Please don't ignore!! I want a proper cover for this book.

Lots of Love

One Direction memesWhere stories live. Discover now