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  "Where did I put it?" I grumble and shove a stack of books over on my desk. I flip each one over and shake it, hoping Officer Hodge's card will flutter from the pages.

My phone rings. I take a deep breath, trying to release some of the stress from my tone, and flip it open.

"Hey, Brittany," I say as I pull a jacket off the ground and search through the pockets.

"You busy?" she asks.

I shake my head. "Just looking for Officer Hodge's business card." I throw the jacket on the floor. "I have so much to tell you."

"That's great," She pops her gum. "Because I'm on my way to pick you up. "Jack is throwing a house party tonight and I think we should see if he remembers anything about the night Claire died."

"Who's Jack?" I stop searching my room.

Brittany giggles. "Fauxhawk guy. Anyway, I'm around the corner. See you in a sec." With that, she hangs up. I shove the phone in my pocket and grab a windbreaker from my closet before I hear a knock on my front door. I run to answer it but Zachary's there first, blushing at Brittany.

I almost tell him to keep it in his pants but we have a strict 'no embarrassing each other in front of peers' rule.

Brittany looks different. Her usual low-cut tank top has been replaced with a black flowy top and some dark jeans. She still looks like she's ready for a party but less like she's going solely for hookups. "Hey, you look nice," I say and she shrugs.

"I was hoping we'd run into Andrew." She winks at me.

My dad rushes into the living room. "Has anyone seen my keys?" he asks, pulling his reflective orange vest over his shirt. He stops short and looks between the three of us. "Where are you two going?"

"A party," I answer and his eyebrows pull together.

"The last time you went to a party someone roofied you." He kisses the top of my head. "And you became the prime suspect in a murder case."

"Oh my god. Dad." I roll my eyes.

"He's not wrong," Zach adds.

I flash him a death glare. He's dangerously close to violating our 'no embarrassment' rule. He holds both hands up apologetically before he plops on the couch.

Dad's hurrying around the house, flipping over couch cushions and searching through jacket pockets.

"I'll keep her in check, Mr. Taylor." Brittany smirks. "You hear that?" she asks me. "No murder tonight. I promised your dad."

My dad laughs and pulls his keys from under a pile of mail on the coffee table before he gives Brittany a big dad hug. "It was good seeing you again," he says. "You two stay out of trouble." He points at both of us and jogs out of the house.

"Alright, bye Zach. See you later," I say, walking toward the door.

He stands. "You guys want me to come just in case?" He half-smiles at Brittany. "I can keep you safe."

I fake gag.

"Zachary, babe." Brittany rests her palm on the side of his neck.

His cheeks flush a darker shade of red than mine usually do.

"How many times do I have to tell you? I've never needed a man to take care of me. I never will." She pats him twice before she leaves.

Zachary shrugs as I pass him. "It was worth a shot."

I half-wave and follow Brittany to her car.

"So, tell me about your rejected kiss," she says and tosses me the keys.

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