Season 1 episode 16- farewell to storyville

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Season 1 episode 16- farewell to storyville


Klaus, Elijah,Me and Rebekah were in a standoff while we all were trapped in the cemetery. Klaus had the indestructible white oak stake, while Elijah was holding Papa Tunde's blade “Rebekah!” Klaus said and Elijah spoke to Klaus “Walk away.” And he looked at us “Don't move!” he said and Elijah looked at me and bekkah “Leave us now.” Elijah demanded and bekkah looked scared and angry “I can't. I'm stuck here. Elijah, he has the white oak stake.” Rebekkah said and Klaus pointed  the stake in her direction “I brought it for you, sister.” He said and Elijah looked upon us “Get out of his sight. Your presence here only serves to anger him. Leave him to me now.” He said looking at Klaus and i looked at bekkah “allez maintenant” (GO Now) i said and Rebekah vamped-speed away “I'm asking you, brother to brother--we end this nonsense now.” Elijah said and i stood next to him “You would side with that traitor.” Klaus said “I am not choosing sides, but I will not allow you to hurt our sister.” He said and i loked at Klaus “Me too Niklaus” i said “We cannot leave this cemetery, Elijah. How long do you think you can defend her?”Klaus replied he vamp-speeds away, but Elijah and I easily catches up with him and blocked him “How long will you keep this up” Nik asked “As long as it takes, by whatever means necessary.” Elijah told him

4 hours later

“You've been at this for hours. To what end? Niklaus, I know you, and I grew up fighting you. I can't be beaten, nor can I be persuaded. You cannot get past me.” Elijah said and i sat on a boulder “I could get past you. Although, it might have to be over your dead body. You did stab me with that blade, forcing me to endure hours of unspeakable pain. Perhaps I should direct my rage toward you.” He said and pointed the stake at him “You should see yourself-- the murderous expression, the self-righteous posturing. You look like father.” Elijah said Klaus was angry, and upset “I'm not him. Rebekah's betrayal justifies my anger. His was that of a madman. You were never the recipient of his cruelty. None of you were-- not Kol, not Finn, None of you! I think you've forgotten what he was truly like.” Klaus said and Elijah looked at him “No. I have not forgotten.”

FLASHBACK-- ~900 AD Mystic Falls

Me,Elijah and Klaus were in the forest, where Elijah is helping Klaus learn how to shoot a bow and arrow. I was sat watching them Klaus toke his aim at a deer] “Be still. Deep breath. Hold...NOW!” Elijah said Klaus shot the arrow, but misses the deer “Your aim is improving.” Elijah said and patted Klaus on the shoulder with a smile “Next time!” he said “Vell done Nik” i said and he smiled at me “Merci Rosealinda” and i smiled i had been teaching the Mikealsin french “ You encourage him, Elijah, but he grows more pathetic every day.” Mikeal said walkin towards us “I'm not pathetic.” Klaus said “Do not talk back to me. You're not man enough to hold this weapon. If you can't hunt, you're nothing but a burden.” Mikeal said “I'm sorry.” Nik said Mikeal grabbed Klaus by the front of the shirt “It's a shame we can't feed on sad-eyed apologies. It's your one and only skill.” He backhands Klaus across the face and i gasped “Father, stop.” Elijah said and i had tears down my face “Stay back, or you'll be next. The boy needs to be made strong.” Mikeal said to Elijah he kicked Klaus in the back as he's sprawled on the ground.



Klaus stared at Elijah after sharing the memory. Then, all of a sudden, Klaus vamp-speed away. Elijah and i Caught up with him quickly “Niklaus, I understand your anger, but I implore you, be better than him. Do what he could not; demonstrate the grace of mercy, rather than this petty cruelty.” Elijah said to us “You ask me to show mercy to one who has wronged me. You really don't know me at all, do you, brother?” Klaus said and i saw Bekkah “Enough. Whatever I have done wrong, my guilt is nothing compared to yours. You want revenge? Fine. But, before you have it, I will look you in the eye and tell you why it was your cruelty and your spite that led us to this.” She said “Go on, then. Speak your piece, and when you are finished, I will grant you the punishment you deserve, even if I have to go through Elijah and Rosie to do so.” Klaus said

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