Friday, March 6th- 1:18 AM

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     Today was a stressful day. I woke up late, and I got ready for school. I listened to Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge on the bus, which is something I haven't done in a while. I usually listen it Hesitant Alien, or Mindless Self Indulgence.
     First period was fine, we just went over some stuff about ancient China.
     In second period I found out that today is Thursday, not Tuesday like I had been thinking... therefore my 4 page essay (which I had not started) was due tomorrow. I originally had 2 weeks to do it and I thought I still had time... nope...
     I got called to the office to talk to some detectives about an incident with my friend, (no one did anything wrong... just... family trouble) and the one guy looked like Jay from the channel "WeWatchedAMovie"

     That's one of their videos, they're hilarious 😂
     Anyway, then I went to Spanish and FACS (family consumer sciences) and I failed some tests....
     After that I went to lunch and drew my friend Brendon. It was fun, but I barely ate anything.
     Then I went to science, and we're learning about dissecting frogs, which is pretty awesome!
     In math we are doing algebra, which isn't super hard, but it's still pretty confusing :(
     After that we had FLEX so I worked on my essay for social studies. I didn't finish it though. Once I got home I went upstairs to finish it but I ended up taking three hour nap... I woke up and I messed around on my phone until 10:00pm and I did my English homework, then I decided to finish my essay. It ended up being an extra page long. It's about Edgar Allen Poe. It wasn't that bad, but I was hoping to watch Saw or Child's Play. I don't care though. I'm glad I got it done.
     I downloaded amino and I started  talking to some people and I got in touch with this girl who lives in Wisconsin! She's pretty nice, she was a bit high though. She is in 8th grade and we called each other and she seems nice. She wanted to date me, but me being the stupid boy I am, I said not yet. I want to date but I know that it's not going to last because we're only in middle school, plus we done live anywhere near each other. I'm not sure what I'm going to end up doing but I'll update you guys on my stupid life tomorrow! Thanks for reading!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2020 ⏰

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