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Not only Y/n proved he was Build, Ryujin revealed himself as Cross-Z... the second Rider in Class-1A.

Cross-Z: I'm getting the feeling!... That I can't lose!!!

He then rushed towards Build with a blue flamed fist, with Build charging towards him, with his own fist reeled back.

Their fist then met, which caused a small shockwave that shattered the remaining windows in the building, showcasing their power.

Control Room

Kirishima: Woah, so powerful!

Ashido: But look!..

They all then look at the screen, surprised on what they saw.

Back to Y/n

After their fist met, Build was surprised that he was actually thrown back when Cross-z created a explosion in his hand.

Build: Arrrgh!..

Cross-Z was smirking inside his helmet.

Cross-Z: While you may have experience... I have better sync with my bottle unlike you... making me stronger... Beat Crosser!

He then summons his sword, the Beat Crosser, and grips it in his hand.

He then summons his sword, the Beat Crosser, and grips it in his hand

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Build then gets up and spoke.

Build: You may have greater synchronisation with the Dragon full bottle, but you should know that experience out ranks everything... so let me show you what 11 months of being a vigilante can do!..

He then brings out the Soujiki full bottle, shakes it, and replaces the Tank full bottle, and he cranks the lever.

Rabbit! Soujiki!

Are You Ready?!

Build: Build up!..

Build: Build up!

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U.A. Genius Bottled Hero (Kamen Rider Build (OLD ONE, REWRITE IN PROGRESS)Where stories live. Discover now