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Fifth Match

Some time has passed in the match as Ochako and Aoyama were currently holding tightly to the rail because they are trying to avoid being sucked in by their opponent's, 13, black hole. Both of them were also very close to the exit.

Ochako: We were so close!...

13: I won't let you get away!...

Ochako: 13-sensei is getting closer while sucking us in!...

13: I'm not good at combat... but when it comes to capturing, the views change!...

Aoyama: Her Quirk just never stops sucking, huh?...

Ochako: Are you trying to be funny!... we're in real trouble over here!...

Aoyama: You know, my costume...

Ochako: Huh?...

He then aims his knees towards 13.

Aoyama: It transmit from my navel... which means...

He then fires lasers from his needs as he says with confidence.

Aoyama: We're not in trouble or anything!...

However, his confidence plummets as his lasers were being sucked in as well.

13: I'll suck up light too!... I'll break it down at a molecular level!...

Seeing his lasers being sucked up resulted in Aoyama to admit.

Aoyama: This isn't a joke!...

Ochako: What is up with you, Aoyama-kun?!...

Aoyama: I'm just me...

Seeing how her partner wasn't going to do anything, Ochako then asked herself in her head.

Ochako (Inner thoughts): This isn't good, we'll get caught!... think!... think about how to get out of this!... think!... what would Y/n do in a time like this?...

She was then snapped out of her thoughts as she hears Aoyama call for her attention.

Aoyama: Hey...

Ochako: Hold on!... right now, I'm—

Aoyama: You were just thinking about what your boyfriend, Y/n L/n, would do... weren't you?...

Ochako: Huh?...

Aoyama: You must really love him...

she then blushed slightly as she answers with a stutter.

Ochako: O-Of course I-I do!...

Aoayama: Then...

He then asked the most shocking as well as the most out-of-nowhere question.

Aoyama: Do you... want to marry him?...

Hearing this caused two things to happen, one was Ochako's face to turn beet red from what Aoyama just said. The other with her to put both hands on her face, letting go of the rails, and being sucked towards 13.

Ochako: Eh?!... Eh?!... EEEHHH?!!!...

Seeing the student suddenly coming towards her, 13 stops the sucking to avoid hurting her. It was then Ochako remembers what Gunhead taught her during her internship as she moves swiftly, and with Aoyama's help, to pin 13 to the ground and putting the cuff on said teacher.

Ochako (Inner thoughts): What I learned from Gunhead-san really came handy right now!...

Team Uraraka and Aoyama have passed.

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