Chapter 2.

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''Like always, Shisui point of view.''

I kneel down, my mind reeling. Granddaughter...I'm a grandpa...I didn't have any offspring that I know of...this is too much information. I straighten up now, taking a few steps backward. My eyes narrow in on the child, who is practically beaming at me. She smiles widely, showing off pearly white teeth, a few missing. She still had baby teeth after all. 

"I've seen pictures of you!" She says, digging into her pocket. She takes out a silver-wrapped object, small in shape. She offers it to me, as I carefully peel it open. Inside lays a piece of chocolate, the top in a small twirl. (A Hershey's kiss.) I swallow it whole, slowly registering the taste. A sweet, smooth taste. As it seemed to melt in his very mouth. This was nothing like those god awful soldier pills...

"What pictures?" I question carefully. My mind was moving at a thousand miles per hour, calculating the odds. If she truly was my grandaughter, that means she possesses Uchiha genes. But she showed no sign of a chakra signature, same as everyone else in this vast place. Nothing, not even Genin chakra levels. This place keeps o getting stranger and stranger. 

"The ones Papa showed me! It was a SUUUPER long time ago, with our family traditions! Papa says that these pictures are one of a kind!" She exclaims, rocking back and forth on her heels. As I look closer at her apperance, she appears to have a few streaks of blonde in her black hair. That must be from her not being a full Uchiha...

"Well...perhaps you can take me to your father. It would benefit both of us." I try and say politely and formally. I'm not the best at talking to children, but I think I can try. The girls nod vigorously, as a bead of sweat goes down the side of my face. She is so trusting of me. Yeesh...the world really has gone soft after all.  I see her duck into an alleyway, and I proceed to follow her.

"Hey, punk. Your cash, hand it over." A gruff sounding voice comes from behind me. I turn my head, my eyes narrowed. A brutish looking man, with extremely crooked teeth and a ripped jacket and jeans for clothing. He was holding a knife, the blade serrated and long. I merely sigh, stepping away from him.

"Aye? You deaf or somethin? Hand it over!" The man barks out at me, who sighs. I leap forward, slamming his elbow into the man's gut. The man doubles over, coughing violently as the air was forced out of his lungs. I reached upwards, grabbing a handful of the man's hair. I slam it down on my knee, knocking the man out cold. I lean him on the wall, following my granddaughter. She seemed to be watching in amazement, her eyes wide. You could practically see the sparkle in her eyes. I let out a soft chuckle, gesturing for her to keep going on her path. She scrambles away, moving throughout the alleyway.

I cast a glance towards the unconscious man, before pocketing his knife. I needed a weapon, after all. I slide the knife into my empty kunai pouch, well it wasn't empty anymore. As I follow the girl, I study my surroundings. This plain alleyway reeked of garbage and filth, but that should be expected. If it smelled that bad in my time, it should smell that bad at this time. Perhaps even worse. I look upwards, just noticing it. The girl was climbing up a fire escape.

"Cmon Grandpa, Papa is really close!" She calls happily down, as I smile. I follow her, bracing myself. Time to meet my descendants.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2020 ⏰

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