!!!DUN, Dun, dun!!!

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So my name is Scarlett, Scarlett Katrina Leigh, But you can call me Kat. First off, I was cursed. Not like "Double Bubble, Toil and Trouble!" Cursed like "This girl hasn't paid her fees, give her a gruesome disease". So, when I was six my parents told me that my mum was a mermaid and my dad a wizard and that I was a wizard like my dad. I was disappointed. But my mum continued to talk explaining my mums necklace that she always wore in public and in water at our house it kept her from turning in to afisht of water. It was a gorgeous iredecent stone with a wire wrapping it like a cage so it would hang from her nacklace. Well, when I was 8 I found my dads old spell book. My birthday was in a week. And my parents asked me 'if you could have anything in the world what would it be?' So I said " if I could have anything in the world I would want to be a mermaid AND a witch." My mum then said it wasnt ... Possible. So she asked me again 'If you could have anything within the human realm what would it be?' So I said a pony at my party. Disappointed I left to my room and dug out dads old spell book I'd hidden under my floor boards in my closet. I was bored flipping through the book when I came across a spell to conjure a spell granter. So I found my wand in my cut out book-safe and cast it " When ordinary life is a boring fife, bring me the conjuring life..." And *poof* outmaicalgical fog came a woman she looked like a librarian; mean, and impatient. She said "you page-d" pointing to the spell granter chant. " Um. Yes I have my wish. I'd li-" the old lady cut me off "Hold on sweet heart..." she said caressing my cheek with her clammy hands "... EVERYTHING comes with a price." She said with a devlish smile, dropping her hand after squeezing my chin harshly. "If I give you want you'll give me what I want, right deery?" I nodded. She raised her eyebrows, and held out her hands saying 'tell me what you want'. "I'd like to be a mermaid AND a wizard". She nodded, then chanted something along the lines of ' legs aren't enough, when the ocean is tough, give this female a tail, legs aren't enough, when the ocean is tough, give this female a tail, legs aren't enough, when the ocean is tough, give this female a tail...'. She spun around me like I was the sun and she was earth. Then said " There. Now, if you touch water with out this on..." She said handing me a necklace just like my mothers "...you'll turn into a fishy friend, my job here is done. EXCEPT my PAYMENT! If you bring me all the conch shells I request you can keep your tail AND your legs if not, well let's just say CONSEQUENCES! I want 540,shells at the end of 6 months, that's when I'll come to collect my payment." And like that she *poof*ed right back out of my room. I didn't have 540 shells 6 months later when she returned. So 6 months and 1 day after my 9th birthday I was playing tag with my brother Chris, 11 and my dad, when I finally joined in it was about 20 minutes before my big dance competition. That was one of my mums gifts to me dance lessons at a local studio, And today was my big competition. I was so spyched, but anyway, I got up and chased my brother after my dad got tired and sat on the steps. We went down the steps around the yard and then my brother went up the steps as I fell up them. I went into shock "Help me. Help me please, I can't feel my legs, help me..." I couldn't feel my legs. My brother ran into the house calling my mum from upstairs my dad carried me in and laid me on the couch. I could here my brother "Mum! Come down quick there's something wrong with Scar.". My brother called me Scar because he says I'm the permanent scar on his previously perfect life. So when my mom got down stairs she took one look at me and listened to me screaming help I can't feel my legs over and over, and she started crying, tears streaming down her face she grabbed the keys and ran to the car grabbing my brother. My dad picked me up again and ran to the car. I started thinking on my way to the hospital well actually I started screaming "But Mum what about my COMPETITION?" I was hushed and shushed and told "It'll be fine...". I was rushed into a white room smelling of medicine, rubber gloves, and SICK people. Many doctors crowded me as I screamed. Though my throat was raw I still kept screaming. I could see them sticking needles filled with different colored liquids into my legs and yet nothing I couldn't feel a !. Do you know how scary it is not to be able to feel your legs???

So Im trying to update and my phone is SOOO SLOW!!!!!!So how was it? It's unedited and I might change it. So tell me what you think, constructive criticism is OK and appreciated. Thanks. Love ya. Bye. P.S.the girl on the front cover is Scarlett as a young girl...and the Part I picture is her hospital room...Muah night its 11:20 and I have to get up early
- Alone In The Cozmos 1

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