The Beginning is Always Nice Right?

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"Come on! We gotta go!" said the vaguely familiar figure. We've been hiding out for what feels like days, and always moving like we are avoiding someone or something.

"what's happening? I don't even know what we are running from." I finally get out because I really don't have a clue and some motivation to keep running would be nice right about now. Why can't I see or recognize a store or some kind of building? Come to think of it I don't even remember how we got here or anything before running and running.

I start to slow down. The figure stops, "what are you doing? what's wrong?" They look frantically around like what ever is chasing us is getting closer. I finally get the words out, "no. not until you tell me who is chasing us.."

The figure turns, "like you don't know?" they exclaimed hostility towards me. "you are the reason we are in this mess! you are one who started all of this!"

"Started what?" okay now I'm even more confused if that was possible, "what the hell are you even talking about?" All of a sudden it gets almost unbearably loud, like a tornado siren or something.

They just stand in their tracks still facing me, it looks and sounds like they're trying to yell my name but I can't hear anything but that damn siren. They start to come near me to start running to me and I can almost tell who it is finally..


"Layna..Layna?" I hear my mom trying to wake me up. "ugh, finally! I thought you were going to try to sleep all day and miss your last day of junior year. We need to find a better alarm apparently." That makes more sense it was all a dream. She's still going on about the importance of the last day being just as important as the first as she's picking my chemistry book off my bed and setting it next to my bag.

"Yeah I get it mom.. sorry I was just having a really intense dream that felt so real.." I said a little too hastily without meaning to, but its not the first time she's gotten attitude from her daughters. "wow.. I could have sworn I was talking to my sweet daughter sorry Layla.." sarcasm is our love language in our home. "just hurry up and get dressed please, you don't want to keep your loving sister waiting."

"oh you mean she's actually willing to give me a ride today instead of her robot friends?" I said as nicely as I could.

"You know how giving she is.. always thinking of others and sometimes forgets to care for herself." she smirked.

"I think you're confusing your girls again mom, we may be identical but I thought you could always tell us apart." I joked and smiled.

She hit herself in the head, "ope, you're right! her 'friends' are probably in the shop getting tuneups or learning the latest deets on others." from the other room all you can hear is, "haha, you guys are so funny," as her voice gets closer, Layla appears in my doorway. "you know if you guys have such problems with my friends you can always talk to me and I'll set them straight." she smiled.

"We have. Hundreds of times," I chuckled. "But you're always in the land of miss popularity."

She tilts her head smirking, "Funny." pretending to laugh, "now get your ass out of bed, dressed and in my car. I am leaving in 10 min to meet Aaron before class." She demands walking back to the bathroom.

"Aye aye!" I gesture as she walks away.

"Layna!" mom quickly shot a glare, trying to hide a giggle. "she's at least right about the getting your butt out of bed and to school, Go." she kicked the mattress to show her seriousness.

I go pick out my green half sleeve, button down top with some jeans to change into. I look in my vanity behind my dresser to brush out my dishwater blonde, thick hair as my minds wonders..

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2020 ⏰

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