Chapter One: Part Four

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"Breath in for me" Emmy instructed as held the stethoscope steady. Listening to the rhythmic steady beat of the heart as he took in deep breaths "okay good" she pulled it away and letting Chris straighten his shirt back down "your breathing is fine, no swelling in the throat, ears are good and eyes are clear so seems like it's just a cold" Emmy explained as she took the earbuds of the stethoscope from her ears.

"And his arm?" Sarah questioned.

"It's healed nicely actually" Emmy commented looking over to what was left of Chris's arm. The nub had smoothed over despite the scaring from it being burnt it seemed to of healed as well as to be expected.

"Thanks, Em though I didn't really think I would be thanking someone for cutting off my arm" Chris chuckled over the matter.

"Em saved your life" Sarah gave a grateful smile before she approached her boyfriend who remained seated on the cot "I will always be thanking her for that" she reached out and placed her hand over Chris's. The usually brooding teen had seemed to of lightened up in the last few months.

"You don't have to thank me for it guys. I did what I had to" Emmy simply shrugged "its just nice to see you up and around."

"It's nice to be up and around make myself useful again" Chris spoke as he stood himself up from the cot.

"Anyway for that sore throat and cough nothing too bad. Just make sure you get some rest" Emmy gave a smile to the pair before they gave their goodbyes and left. Another one of her chores done for the day though she was always on call if someone needed her she always had time set aside to be in the clinic even though there were more responsibilities on her shoulders but Emmy had finished just in time to see off the group who was going on a run.


"Watch out for her!" was the first thing Kai shouted when he saw Emmy who couldn't help but roll her eyes at his behaviour.

"You know I will" Emmy replied as she stood beside her best friend. Brady's hands seemed to absentmindedly stroke her ever-growing bump.

"I know, I know" Kai huffed like a child as he carelessly tossed a bag into the back of the pick up before approaching the girls "I'm just lookin' out you know or are you jealous hmm Em, want a little alone time" he shot a playful wink to the brunette.

"Hard pass thanks."

"Yeah, your loss though" he flashed one of his usual cheeky grins the dimples of his cheeks becoming prominent which of course always made Kai look like an adorable five-year-old.

"Just make sure you get the things on the list otherwise we will get some alone time of me kicking your arse around the place" Emmy suddenly swung and laid a punch on his upper arm to which he quickly began rubbing the now reddening spot with a pained look.

"Ow, how are so strong you're like the size of a pixie" he pouted but both the girls laughed at his usual immaturity.

"Hey, let's get a move on" Troy's voice caught all three off guard causing them to turn to the tall, ash blonde who stood a few feet away. Hands firmly placed on his hips the young man was always impatient.

"I'm comin' Troy boy you need to chill" Kai sighed before letting an arm wrap around Brady's shoulders "take care of yourself, Em make sure she takes it easy" he spoke firmly to the girls.

"I think it's your turn to chill now, Kai" Brady smacked lightly at his chest "I will be okay you don't need to worry."

"She's a big girl now" Emmy added.

"Kai let's move" Troy called once again.

"I'm coming, I'm coming" Kai grumbled but Troy instead had stepped closer.

"You have the list and map sorted? Extra petrol and guard for the truck?" Emmy asked once Troy was closer. A guard for the vehicles was a new policy they had started ever since their sabotage a few months prior.

"All set, Em" Troy confirmed.

"Yeah, Em you know Troy is a boy scout" Kai chuckled to himself before placing a kiss to the top of Brady's head "see you when I get back" he spoke before sauntering off.

"You better get going then. Kai is ready" Emmy instructed.

Troy's eyebrows furrowed just for a moment before stepping closer barely leaving any space between the pair just as he turned he leaned just a little closer "We will talk when I get back" was all he whispered before following after Kai to the pick-up

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Troy's eyebrows furrowed just for a moment before stepping closer barely leaving any space between the pair just as he turned he leaned just a little closer "We will talk when I get back" was all he whispered before following after Kai to the pick-up. It wasn't a question this time his tone was firm it was clear he was sick of waiting and he wanted an explanation.

"What was that about?" Brady questioned looking between the pair.

"Nothing... We just have somethings to talk about" Emmy explained but her dark eyes remained focused on the boys as they got settled in the old pick up truck and taking off out the gate.

"Is there something you're keeping from me?" Brady eyed her in suspicion which caught the short brunettes attention.

"I don't know is there something you're keeping from me. You and Kai are getting cozy?" Emmy teased to which Brady rolled her eyes.

"You know Kai. Now come on I'm hungry" Brady spoke as she turned away but Emmy couldn't help her eyes linger back to the entrance. She had two days before Troy returned, she had two days to think of the reason why she had kissed him all those months ago but unfortunately for Emmy, she had no idea what she was going to say.


So sorry it's taken a lot longer to update than usual. I've been a bit of a busy be and didn't have another chapter written but here it is so hopefully you enjoy it. Xx

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