Chapter 3

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Harry followed Snape to his office and plopped down at his usual chair. His hold on his emotions was tenuous at best-he just wanted dinner, a shower and a cozy bed to fall into.

To his surprise, the potions master tapped his desk in a rhythmic pattern and his favourites from the welcoming feast suddenly appeared before them.

"Eat. You look thinner than a dementor, and you'll need the energy after the shock you've been put through." Well, Harry certainly agreed about the shocks he'd received. He'd never seen Snape stand up for anyone like that-not even one of the Slytherin house. It was disconcerting.

"Sir, why did you stand up for me so vehemently?" Waiting for an answer, he sipped at his pumpkin juice.

"The last time the hat used Hogwarts House at a sorting, the headmaster-who was the transfiguration teacher at the time-managed to convince Headmaster Dippet into putting the girl into Hufflepuff instead. Since the magic of the hat is tied into the castle, and since the castle is somewhat a sentient being, she made her displeasure known. The destruction was intense. Imagine a sort of earthquake, but only in certain parts of the castle. Two students and the caretaker at the time died from it. I'm shocked that he wanted to risk that sort of reaction from the castle once more. What's more, you truly are an adult compared to your classmates. They may be older in years but you have endured more than they could handle and you've shown vast improvement in your emotional and mental state since you opened up to me last year. I felt that if no one else would stand up for you, then I would. I'm not exactly anyone's first pick, but it was obvious no one else was thinking about what you wanted or needed." They ate in companionable silence after that.

"Do you have any preference as to where you'd like your private rooms to be?" Harry thought about it, but really couldn't pick a specific place.

"I just want to be secluded. It's too...loud with all the people around, even if there isn't a lot of noise..." Snape seemed to understand and nodded for him to continue. "The upper floors are nice and all with the sunlight, but it gets really hot in the summer and the Gryffindors are too nosey for their own good. But I also don't want any curious students from Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff to be able to find me either. I guess that really leaves the dungeons or the first floor but the first floor is so busy with the great hall and I really, really don't want to have any run-ins with the Slytherins." Desert appeared and Harry snagged a piece of blueberry pie.

"There is an area of the dungeons that the Slytherins don't go to-complete with a secret passage to get from there to the great hall without anyone seeing you. That is, if you're open to the idea."

"Why wouldn't I be?" Was it his imagination, or did Snape just smirk at him?

"It's the area of the castle where my rooms are which is why students avoid it so studiously." He figured it could be worse and from the sound of it, it would be a quiet area of the castle that he could have some privacy. He nodded.

"Very well, let's get your rooms set up."

He was on the other side of the hall from Snape's room and several meters down. Having never seen a room being made from nothing, he was fascinated by the way Snape was politely asking the castle to create a room for him. Upon entering, he quickly realized that he was given more of a flat than a room-complete with a living room and kitchenette for snacks.

He thanked the professor and started unpacking his trunk in the bedroom.

The rest of the year went by quickly and without incident. He had gradually transitioned to his new wardrobe and wasn't met with any funny looks like he thought he'd be receiving. Presumably, because of the gradual nature of the transition.

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