Klaus Mikaelson

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Klaus: Say it..

Me: I do not own Twilight or the Originals.....there happy?

Klaus: Very

I must say New Orleans is beautiful, I search for clothing store for about 30 minutes before I find one that's for my age. I shop for 2 hours when my stomach growled. I'm hungry lets go find somewhere to eat. I find a bar in the middle of the French Quarter.....I must be careful. I sit down and from across the bar I see a tall, blonde bartender. She's pretty I bet she has all of the boys hitting on her. The waiter comes to take my order.

"What can I do for you today, Miss," asked the waiter.

"Hello, can I have a Chicken Salad with a Diet Coke, please," I asked the waiter

"Sure, I'll be right back with your drink," smiled the waiter.

I shouldn't be here its dangerous, there are witches and vampires everywhere. The waiter returns with my food and drink, I pay the check and start heading home. I was near the heart of the French Quarter when I was stopped by a dark skinned man.

"You know it's not safe alone at night, especially if your alone," stated the man.

"I'll be fine, I'm used to being alone," I replied.

"I'm Marcel," said the man.

"Isabella, but you can call me Bella," I replied. Something is not right with the man.

"Well I must be heading home my grandmother is waiting for me," I said.

"I'm having a party later you should come by it will be a lot of fun," smirked Marcel.

"Maybe," I replied and I walked away as fast as I could.

When I got home I locked every door and every window I called for my grandmother but there was no reply. She must be out. I wrote a note saying that I went to a party and that I'll be back soon. I ran upstairs to get ready, I looked in the bag of new clothes I bought today and I choose to wear a red dress that goes half way to my thigh, black high heels, I curled my hair and applied little makeup. I looked in the mirror and I must say I look hot. I grabbed a spell book from the bookshelf and started to review easy spells on how to kill/hurt a vampire. Once I got it memorized I grabbed my car keys and headed to the party. 

When I got to the party I must say it was crowded there was about 200 people there and I could tell that not all of them were human. I could see some vampires feeding on the humans in the back corner. I need to be careful I can't risk getting hurt or killed.

"Isabella," I heard someone yell. I turn around to see that it was Marcel.

"Bella, just Bella," I replied. Why do I always do that.

"Well Bella welcome to my palace, make yourself at home. Here have a drink," said Marcel handing me a shot of whiskey.

"Oh I would but I'm not 21," I replied sadly. I could really use the drink.

"Don't worry the cops will never know," said Marcel with a smirk.

Well I can't argue with that, beside if the police came they would probably become dinner for the vampires. I took the drink from Marcel's hands and mumble a thank you.

"So Bella I haven't seen you before are you new in town," asked Marcel.

I could feel stares on my back, either they are looking at my ass or they are listening in on are conversation.

"Yes actually I just moved in with my grandmother today," I replied.

"Oh what's your grandmother's name I might know her," questioned Marcel.

He testing me to see if I will lie to him or not because he already knows the answer to my question.

"Isabelle Swan," I replied shakily.

I could hear growls coming from the vampires around me.

'Swan, huh as in the Swan bloodline of witches," said Marcel with a smirk.

All of the color in my face drained.

"I...I should be going now my grandmother will be wondering where I am," I whispered.

"No, I think you should stay I have someone I want you to meet," said Marcel grabbing my wrist.

"Let me go," I shrieked.

"Come on now no need to be difficult," smiled Marcel.

Marcel whistled and all of the vampires mad a circle around me and Marcel.

"Now my fellow vampires I would like you to meet Isabella Swan also known for being part of the Swan bloodline of witches," yelled Marcel.

The vampires around us growled.

"The thing I would like to know is how the hell you are alive. From my sources the Swan bloodline end with Charlie Swan," questioned Marcel.

"I don't have to tell you anything," I yelled at him.

"Really well I will get the answer one way or another," said Marcel.

"You won't hurt me, you won't hurt a child," I yelled.

"Your right...I won't but doesn't mean he won't," said Marcel pointing at a handsome man with blonde hair and blue eyes with specks of green in them.

"Isabella I would like you to meet Klaus," smiled Marcel.

"Hello love, my name is Klaus Mikaelson," smirked Klaus.

I hope this chapter was good. I promise that I will have the Cullen's come in later in the story. Make sure to review!!!

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