Chapter 4

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Starscream went ahead and told Knock Out his plan to stay human.

"It's just I've made so many mistakes and I don't think anyone really wants me on the team so I think this might be my chance to start over." He explained.

"Well if this is what you want I won't stop you but I will miss you." Knock Out told his best friend.

"I'll still visit the base I just won't be part of the team anymore." Starscream told him. "After you change back you can be my guardian if you want too."

"I'll think about it." Knock Out replied with a smile.

Then they went to join the others in the main room.

Where Soundwave and Ratchet were working on the relic still a ways from having it fixed.

Then Jack, Miko, Rath, June, Alexis and Agent Fowler took the bots turned human out to explore the town but they decided to use a buddy system in case MECH tried something.

Optimus went with Megatron and Jack. And Smokescreen went with Raf and Miko. While Starscream was with Alexis. And Arcee went with June and Agent Fowler and Knock Out tagged along with them much to Arcee's dismay.

They were all having fun Optimus, Megatron and Jack went to a museum because Optimus was interested in learning about human history. And Megatron was actually impressed to learn that there were once human gladiators.

Smokescreen, Miko and Rath went bowling and were all having fun. While Starscream and Alexis went to see a movie and were pretty much on a date.

Agent Fowler, June, Arcee and Knock Out were all sight seeing and there was a carnival in town that they decided to check out. But got caught in a huge crowd of people.

When they got out of the crowd Arcee and Knock Out realized they got separated from June and Agent Fowler.

"Well this is just great." Said Knock Out. "Should we look for them or wait for them to find us?"

"You look for them I'll wait." Arcee told Knock Out not wanting to be anywhere near him.

"Arcee what exactly is your problem with me?" Knock Out asked having enough of her giving her giving him the brush off and cold shoulder.

"You think you, and those other cons can join us and it will make up for everything you did during the war all the pain you caused and lives you took and you think you can get a free pass!" She hissed at him.

"Arcee we've changed and we're all trying to make up for what we did." Knock Out told her.

"Oh stop already you only joined the winning team to save yourself you weren't thinking about what was right or wrong you just wanted to save you own sorry spark!" She yelled at him but not loud enough for any bystanders to hear.

"And if having you on the team wasn't bad enough you just had to invite those three to join us too. And I know you guys are going to turn on us given the next opportunity." She finished.

"Well for the record I only invited Starscream and it was Optimus who invited Megatron then he invited Soundwave but that's not the point." Knock Out told her. "The point is we're trying to make up for the past and doesn't everyone deserve a second chance?"

"Not you three." She told him. "And this conversation is over." She said as she started to walk off.

"Arcee we should stay together." Knock Out told her as he grabbed her wrist knowing they shouldn't split up till they found June and Agent Fowler.

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