Chapter 8

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Edited 6/6/23
Warnings for chapter: a lot of emotions from Hoseok, Jin being a bit rude, and of course- pregnancy.

[ Hoseok's POV]

The words my doctor said repeated over and over in my head. Pregnant. I'm pregnant. I feel myself shake a little with confusion and fear. "P-pregnant?!" I blurt out and the doctor sits down on her stool to talk with me. " yes, pregnant. Hoseok it seams that you are a really rare case. You have a uterus. Cases of male pregnancy used to happen a lot more... but carriers of the gene don't live long enough to pass the gene on to future generations. Someone in your family, most likely a woman has the gene in her. I know it's really hard to understand, but I can answer all the questions you have"

I looked down and tried to come up with what to ask or what to say but my head was running wild. "I- I think I need to take in the fact this is all real before I start asking questions" I say and she nods. "I agree. Would you like me to send in the father of the baby? Is he one of the gentleman in the waiting room?" Dr. Jen asked and I froze. "N-no. He's not here. But can you get Taehyung for me? But absolutely not seokjin" I say as my voice gets weaker. If anyone I want to tell Yoongi, I need him here, but a good friend like Tae will help me in this very moment. "Alright" she said simply before leaving the room.

[no ones POV]

"Taehyung?" Dr. Jen said scanning the room for a reaction to the name. Taehyung stands up and looks over to the doctor. "Hoseok would like you" she said and he quickly grabs the little pink bag  Incase he needed to give it to Hoseok. Taehyung follows Dr. Jen to the room Hoseok was in. Before they got to the door, Dr. Jen stops and turns to tae. "Before you go in, just know that Hoseok is.. rare. And he needs all the support you can give him." After hearing that Taehyung instantly thinks the worst. "What does he have?!" He asked and the doctor looks down. "It's not my place to tell you. You should go in now" Taehyung nods and quickly goes in.

Hoseok looks up at Taehyung as he walked in. Tae could see Hoseok had been crying. "Hobi what's wrong?" Taehyung asked as he goes to hug Hoseok. "I'm. Taehyung I'm pregnant" Taehyung froze and went blank. He didn't know how to react. He pulled away from Hoseok and smiles softly. "I thought you had a serious illness... what do you mean your pregnant?" He asked. "Apparently I'm a rare male with a uterus..." Hoseok looks down, all he wanted was for Taehyung to support him when he didn't have Yoongi.

Handing Hoseok the pink bag, Taehyung sits next to Hoseok. "I can't imagine how you feel right now.. this is.. well Hoseok how are you feeling?" Hoseok looks at the bag confused as he listened to Taehyung. "I'm.. honestly I'm not sure how I feel. Me and Yoongi have not been together for very long. I don't even know if he wants kids. What if he doesn't? What if he leaves me? And how an I supposed to stay in the band? Army will definitely know at some point!" Hoseok starts crying he was so overwhelmed with feelings and didn't know anything. Taehyung being hoseoks best friend knew exactly what to do.

Tae takes out his phone and his air pods. He hugs Hoseok quickly then puts the pods in his ears. He knew music would Hoseok calm down and help at least a little bit. He plays SAYONARA by Aries.

As Hoseok listens to the song he smiles and knows Taehyung is truly his best friend. He leaned into taes side and tried to calm down as he listened to the beat. When the song ended he takes out the air pods and gives them back to Taehyung. "Thank you.. you know me so well" Hoseok tears up and takes a deep breath. "Taehyung what am I going to tell yoongi?"

"You just have to tell him. It does not matter how. But you need to tell him.. he will be home soon and you can tell him. I know you must be scared.. heck I'm scared I don't know what to say.. if he doesn't have a good reaction then it's okay.. I'll be here for you. And so will everyone else l. I know it" Taehyung said as he rubs Hoseoks back. That's when Hoseok remembers what Jin has told him. "Not everyone.." he said softly and looks down as he silently starts to cry again. Taehyung tilts his head. "What do you mean?" Hoseok's voice shakes as he speaks "Jin told me to break up with yoongi.. he threatened me"

Taehyung looks at Hoseok "wait- what!??!" Hoseok's tears fall down onto his sweat pants. "He has pictures of me in only my... intimates.. he said if I don't break up with yoongi I would hate life and he would post those pictures" Taehyung bites his lip in anger. "I can't believe him. Hoseok don't listen to him. Tell Yoongi everything. Tell him every single thing Jin said. And tell him your pregnant." That was the best thing tae could think of saying at the moment. "I'm scared" Hoseok said and cried hard while gripping the fabric of his own sweatpants. " I know you are.. let's get you home to wait for yoongi"

[ Jins POV]

Ugh.. when are they going to be back? It's been quite a while since Hoseok has been in there.. tae too. I hope Hoseok is not telling him about my threat.. then I'll never get Yoongi if he thinks I'm not nice... fuck. What have I done ?!

I shake my head as I know Hoseok is a weak hoe that is to cowardly to get help. A few minutes later I look over to the door as I hear it open. Low and behold it's the two boys. Taehyung looks at me with a cold face. Oh no.. he knows. I watch as they walk out the door and right past me without a word, Shit. Shit shit shit. I get up and try to stay calm. Maybe he won't tell Yoongi and if he does.... ugh!

[ Hoseok's POV]

After walking out of the drs, we all got into our uber to get back home. I looked out the window and tried to think, I have so much going though my mind right now it's hard to focus on one thing. I decided that maybe I should open the bag Taehyung handed me. I unzipped it and smiled softly as the first thing I saw was a note with the word 'baby boy' on top. I instantly knew this was from Yoongi. Carefully I took it out and unfolded it.

I'm sorry I cannot be with you while you are not feeling well, I can not wait to hug you and help you get better once I'm back home. What ever is making you sick I know it will get getter and I'll do everything to make sure your comfortable

-love Yoongi"

I smile and hold the note to my chest as close my eyes "I love him" I whisper and then fold it back up to look at what else is in there. I tear up as I see its snacks and juice. I realize I had not eaten anything and feel really guilty.. I need to eat for two now.. I take a little bag of fruit snacks from the bag and think of how I'm going to tell Yoongi as I eat them.

Soon enough we were back home. Taehyung helps me out of the car as crying has made me feel a little weak. "Thank you" I say to him as we walk inside. He nods and takes off his shoes. I do the same then hug him before making my way to Yoongis room. I knew he would not be home but at least I could wait for him there. Before going in I stop and get a glass of water and a apple to try and eat something more healthy than candy stuffs.

I walk into the dark room and smile as I am hit with the smell of Yoongi. I sit in his bed and wait for him to come home. I know i should call him to let him know I'm home and to update him on what the dr said, but I really need to talk face to face.

Wow kind of a trash update but hey the story is moving along.

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