CH 3

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Jennie POV

After the date

We were walking around the city, holding hands and was engulf by comfortable silence

"I had so much fun today babe" I said and rested my head towards his shoulder as we walked slowly "But im still disapointed" I pouted and he chuckled

"Why princess?" He said and kissed my cheeks and I blushed and hid my face in his shoulders so that he could not see my blushing face

"I was supposed to take you out because today is your special day but instead you took me out" I pouted and then we stopped walking and he gently held my chin and made me face him. "Im the gentlemen here not you" he said and pecked away my pout i blushed even more and he started giggling and soon after i joined him.

Our moment was ruined by the constant ringing of my phone, I picked it

"Eomma? Whats the problem?did something happend?"

"Nothing happend honey, its just that i have something to tell you"

"Huh?? What is it?"

"Is that your brother is here"

"Really?! Like today?!"

"Yes today hes here at my house and is Taehyung with you? If he is tell him to come and meet him aswell"

"Ok ill tell him, and is appa there?"

"He isnt here he is still in busan for work and cant go here until the month of march"

"Oh, ok but when did he arrived?"

"Aish! Stop questioning me and just come he is impatient here and he needs to go to his appartment too you know"

"Oh sorry ma! Were coming"

"Bye love you pumpkin see you"

"Bye ma! Love you too"

And That is the end of the call

"What happend?" Taehyung asked and looked at me. "My brother is here! And Eomma told me to tell you to come too so that you can meet him" I said cheerfully and started walking in a fast pace "Oh really? Why so early? You said he would come next month after New years eve" He said and held my waist as we started walking

"I dont know" I shrugged and he chuckled. "You seem vey excited" he said and looked in my eyes as it started to show excitment "ofcourse I am! Mom told me about him and said he will start college here and is the same school at you, Ma said he is younger than me for 1 year and is similar to me, he is Gay and I support that, eomma said his mom left them because of his sexuality and his dad started to date mom and got married. The only time I saw him was at the marriage, we were so small that time and he is so frickin cute like- Frickin cute! But then appa said he will take him to busan again because he was still young to live with us and decided to let him stay in seoul if he reaches college".

" wow, you must know much about him" He said and looked at me impresed. "And he knows me too well too and we usually video chat so that we can stay connected and close, so that was the time we started to get so close and he got excited after his graduation". I smiled and then my smile got wider because of what taehyung asked.

"Whats his name?"

"Jungkook! His name is Jeon Jungkook" I smiled and then I noticed that we are here already.

"Oh! Were here come on I cant wait!" I said and dragged taehyung inside with me, I could feel him tense up.

We were inside the house and we took our shoes off and then walked towards the living room and saw eomma watching kdrama while sipping tea

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