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After Harry was done showering he made sure to change into clean clothes; he had been wearing the same clothes every day, too exhausted to change out of them. He fixed the room he had been sleeping in, cleaning some stuff up here and there, putting things away that had been on the floor and made the bed. He stood up straight, smiling. He felt immensely better and more awake than he had ever felt, though that was probably because he had been asleep for Merlin knows how long.

Harry inhaled, he hoped he hadn't worried Ron and Hermione too much, he knew the war had affected them just as much as him, but he had been holed up and asleep in his room while they had also been suffering; he swore he would be there for them from now on.

He slowly opened the door, suddenly wondering why Hermione or Ron hadn't come into the room to force him awake and out of his depressed sleep state. He would ask them once he was downstairs.

He paused when he heard another voice that wasn't Ron's or Hermione's. Was he hearing that right? Did he hear Draco Malfoy? Now he knew he was going crazy, first, he hears a random voice in his head, second, he hears Malfoy's voice. The day had been strange, to say the least.

He was on the last step before he walked towards the kitchen, where everyone was. Yep, that was definitely Malfoy. But what was he doing here? Had so much time passed that Ron and Hermione and Malfoy were all now each other's mates? Had they replaced Harry with Malfoy? Of all people? Harry frowned, no they wouldn't do that. Then what was he doing here?

"Harry!" Ron shouted as soon as he saw Harry standing near the kitchen. He rushed over to him, hugging him. "Oh mate, it's about bloody time you got out of your room. What spell did you put on the door by the way? Even Hermione couldn't open it, and she's smart. Smarter than the two of us put together, at least." Ron said and Harry looked at him in confusion.

"I didn't put any lock enchantment or spell on the door?" Harry said, confused.

Hermione rushed over, not caring about whatever stupid magic lock spell he had put on the door, she was just relieved he was okay. She threw her arms around him.

"Are you okay? Of course, you're not, but are you hungry? I was going to go get food but then I got distracted, but we still have some food here, like eggs and soup. Oh, Harry!" She said, before hugging him again and Harry flushed in embarrassment.

"Hermione, I can't breathe." He rasped out and Hermione immediately pulled away, smiling with relief.

"I'm just so happy you're finally out of that room, you were up there for weeks! I didn't know if you had died or if someone had kidnapped you or what! Ron and I had tried everything to open your door and get you out of there, but nothing worked. I was so worried you wouldn't ever come out." Harry frowned.

"You couldn't get into the room? But why? I don't remember doing any magic or anything, I just remember sleeping and crying. Some yelling and screaming as well..." Harry trailed off, could he have done a spell without remembering? He didn't think so, but he had been in such a haze of anger and sadness that it was possible, he supposed.

Draco watched the whole thing in confusion and amusement. So, Potter had been cooped up in his room, too sad to communicate with the outside world, leaving his two friends to be worried for him, not leaving any room for themselves to be sad for their own losses. It was so much like Potter, Draco had to hold in a laugh. Merlin, he was selfish. But Drafo failed to realize that if Harry was so selfish, why had he defended the Malfoy's from going to Azkaban?

Draco jumped in surprise when he realized he was staring straight into Potter's emerald eyes, he had been so lost in his thoughts he hadn't even realized he had been staring at the raven-haired boy.

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