Chapter 4

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The darkness that had enveloped his surrounding also claimed a bigger peice of his mind making him feel uneasy and anxious. Reaching out for something to hold onto, he felt his hand land on something cold and something metallic that seemed like a door knob, turning it . He heard a soft click of the door opening, pushing it open he found himself in an unfamiliar city.

He turned back to look at the building that he walked out from , it was more like a rundown apartment. The footsteps of echoed through his mind, the feeling to follow that sound invoked his mind as he started to take his step through that snow covered road, all he knew was that he was not in Thailand, the looks from the people on the street made him feel weird, but there was something weird about the people there, everyone seemed more pale and almost purplish as if they are already dead.

Off's head felt heavy and his body numb, the sound of the footsteps increased as he followed into one of the alley, a remorse feeling
settled in his stomach, watching a body lumped on the white snow that was slowly turning red, Off's heart hurted as he took some steady steps towards the body kneeling infront of it he turned the body to see the face, his eyes widened upon realising the it, eventhough it was covered red Off could still make out those beautifil hazel eyes which turned wide in fear on seeing Off's face

"Gun" Off breathed out heavily watching what seemed like fear in the smaller one's eyes, Gun moaned in pain as he tried to move himself away from Off.

"Stay away from me, please don't hurt me " scared Gun almost whimpered his lips trembling. Off felt as if he was knocked out of breath watching Gun in that state was more painful to him, like a knife that was stabbed in his chest was being twisted painfully, his eyes pricked with the unshed tears.

Before he could ask Gun to calm down he noticed that Gun wasn't looking at him but at something behind him, in that dimly lit alley a shadow hovered over them he felt the presence of someone, Off fisted his hands until his knuckles turned white as a sheet. He was ready to unleash wrath on the person who had done this to Gun. He turned around almost ready to burst. But the moment he met the eyes of that person it felt as if bucket of cold water was dumped on his head.

Seeing himself at the end of the alley wasn't something he had ever interpreted , his body felt as if being locked on to the floor. He couldn't do anything as he watched himself walking towards Gun. Eyes shining red snarling at his prey trembled in fear and despair. Off watched in horror as the steps became more eager and in a second he was running in full speed. It was the first time Off had felt so helpless, he wanted to fight himself protect Gun but at that moment all he could do was scream in pain as he watched Gun's lifeless body fall on the ground with a thud.

"NO!" Off screamed as he sat up from his bed, panting hard and sweating profusely. The dream had travelled him in a state of euphoria, he couldn't escape from the pain That he felt at that moment. It seemed so real that every emotion he felt in the dream pricked his conscious.

"Off is everything alright" Mook's voice came out barely as a whisper as she sat up on the bed putting her hand on Off's shoulder.

Brushing her hand off, he got up fron the bed still in a haze and at that moment all ge wanted was to get the dream off his mind, but something stirred in him and he turning around and stared at the woman who had always been for him. Mook stared back at him in confusion.

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