Chapter 9: New Place part 1

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Severus was surprised when he was summoned to the Hospital Wing, even more surprised when he saw exactly who was in there.


Harry stumbled towards him and buried himself inside the man's robes, seeking warmth and comfort.

"He has been demanding you for a while"

Severus looked at the Headmaster, who looked less then pleased, as did everyone else, save Harry, who was starting to whimper, without a thought Severus wrapped an arm around the boy and pulled him closer, his eyes never breaking contact with Albus's.

"Why am I not surprised that this Deatheater has something to do with this?" Fudge said, taking a step towards him, Harry made a cry of distress when he saw the wizard come towards him. Severus glared at Fudge, casing the other to stop with a small look of fear.

"Is he hurt at all?" Severus asked Albus

"Physical no"

"But mentally is a different case" Severus thought finishing what Albus left unsaid.

"Care to explain how Harry knows you, as he was obviously a prisoner in the Dark's Lord realm" Severus had to repress a snort at the thought of Harry as a prisoner of the Dark Lord, but something on his face had given him away, because Fudge glared and Albus's eyes narrowed suspiciously.

"Se'vus m'sleepily" Harry said, voice muffled from where his face was buried in the man's robes, but was heard none the less.

Severus ran his hand through the soft hair; ignoring the disgusted looks he lifted Harry into his arms, the boy happily settling, whirled around and headed towards the door.

"Wait just a minute!" Fudge and two Arours moved to stop him, but Albus got to him first.

"Gentlemen for the time being, let Severus take care of this obviously he knows what his doing"

"But how can—"

The door slammed shut before either him or Harry could hear the rest.

When Harry was finally put to sleep, Albus summoned him to his office, and the next half hour was such a blur, that Severus barely remembered being sent back to his room by a smiling and pleased Albus, he didn't even know what he said!

The dark-haired man groaned, he was too old for this!

Deciding that he would deal with everything tomorrow he changed into some pajama pants and climbed into bed with the sleeping Harry.

The next day Harry woke up confused as this wasn't his room, but wasn't afraid as Severus was right there with him. With a smile Harry cuddled up closer to the man, and started to hum while he played in the black hair.

"My hair is not a play toy"


"Not today"

Harry blinked, "No play?"

"No play" Severus confirmed as he got out of bed, carrying the boy to the bathroom, where they bathed, Severus washing the younger's long hair that had grown long from years of neglect, they had tried cutting it earlier but Harry had screamed like a banshee when they tried so left it be.

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