Winter love song : 3

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Chapter 16 - A winter love song

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Chapter 16 - A winter love song.

"I never thought of seeing the poetry collection here. I am so lucky" I said, as we exited the library. It was colder than usual. I tucked my hands inside the coat pockets immediately. The streets were unusually empty. There were just a bunch of kids playing around the streets.

"It's good that you can find a book that you like. Then I wouldn't feel guilty for bringing you to this boring place" Jungkook said, scratching his nape shyly.

"No, no! I would have gone there alone anyway. After this, it's my turn to choose the place~" I squealed in joy, like a little kid who just got a candy.

Jungkook chuckled "Of course. I'll listen to you" he smiled sweetly, looking straight into my eyes. Wow, his doe eyes are really beautiful.

I snapped from my thoughts "Hmm... I want to go.. AH—!" The bunch of kids who were playing around the streets knocked me down. But, Jungkook was quick enough to pull me to his side. I fell over his rock, hard chest. I instantly started blushing.

The kids quickly ran away muttering a 'sorry' after I regained my composure. Jungkook was still holding my wrist. I buried my face into the scarf, so that he wouldn't notice that I am a blushing mess, and spoke: "Uh, thank you, your hand..."

Jungkook looked down and realised that he still hadn't let go of my hand. He withdrew his hand and looked embarrassed "Ah, Sorry!" He scratched his nape shyly "Then... where are we going next?"

I gave him a mischievous smile. I hope he likes it...


"This is where I wanted to go..!" I jumped in excitement, pointing at the haunted house.

"This is the place you wanted to go...?" In the corner of my eyes, I could see Jungkook trembling.

I chuckled and looked at him "Yes. You aren't scared, are you?"

With this, he regained his original composure "How's that possible..?! Let's go, let's go inside. Haha..."

Jungkook took the lead and entered the haunted house. I could still see him shaking in fear. I giggled. He's like a little kid. Haha.

Jungkook was practically scared of everything inside the haunted house..!! He started screaming on top of his lungs just because a light flashed over him. It was fun to watch him, but sad at the same time. He looked like he would start crying any minute now. He looked so cute..!

He started tugging the hem of my coat and followed behind me like a scared little kitty. I laughed quietly and turned around to offer him my hand "Here, hold my hand"

Jungkook's eyes softened at this gesture. He took my hand and smiled softly. Not to mention, his hand was so warm.

This is 7-hour love magic. Nothing to do with names, occupations, money or any other things.

There are billions of people in the world, but how difficult it is to meet a spiritually fit person..?

And this strange 'Mr. Jeon' makes me feel comfortable. And almost made me forget that this 'relationship' is going to expire soon.

It's almost midnight, Christmas will be over soon.

We were walking down the streets in complete silence. But, it was a comfortable silence. The sky was pitch black as the moon was partly covered by the clouds.

Although I took part in this event out of a whim, I kind of don't want to leave...

I looked down at my clothes. They were all wrinkled. It would have been better if I had dressed myself up to meet him.

It would have been better if I wasn't late today.

It would have been better if I could also show more parts of me that are not childish.

In that case... would I have the courage to hold him back?

"Still, there's a little bit of a pity," Jungkook said sadly.

I halted in my steps "Why... why do you say that?"

He looked at me softly "How to put it... I think it would be nice if we could meet earlier, Lisa" I hung my head down shamefully. "Ah, I'm not talking about what happened in the morning... it would have been better if we had met earlier," he said, gently stroking my head.

The clock strung 12 at the exact minute. He withdrew his hand immediately and looked at the clock "Ah... it's mid-night already..."

I instantly started feeling down. I didn't want to part ways with him.

He fished out a book from the bag he was holding and handed it to me "This is for you. I bought it"

It was the 'wooden heart poetry series'. I took the book from his hand and smiled "Thank you"

"I am very happy to meet you today. Then, we shall part here" Jungkook said with a small smile, putting one of his hands inside the coat pocket, and the other waving at me.

He turned around and started walking away. All I could do was watch his retreating figure. My heartfelt so heavy. I wanted him to stay. I wanted him to hold me in his arms. I wanted him to—

"WAIT for A SECOND!!!" I yelled and ran towards him. It doesn't matter if I am late. It doesn't matter if I didn't dress up. It doesn't matter if I am a fool...

At this moment, I just want to hold him...

I rummaged through my sling bag, trying to find a pen. Why does it have to be today that I didn't bring my pen...?

But then, I found my lipstick. Well, something is better than nothing.

I took a piece of paper and wrote down my number with the lipstick. I folded the paper and handed it to him. "This is..?" Jungkook asked, looking puzzled.

"This is my phone number," I said, looking down at my feet so that he wouldn't notice my red face "Uh, it's just... remember... to call me! I... I'm going back first! Bye!"

I turned around and started skipping my way home. Little did I know that Jungkook was smiling, looking at the piece of paper.


Hey guys! I'm so sorry for not updating for such a long time. My exams have started and it's so hectic.

I feel so exhausted, but I didn't want to keep you guys waiting for a very long time.

I don't know when the next update will be, but I'll make sure to update as soon as possible.

Thank you for reading!

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