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Jack must have left a while ago because I was laying there alone.
The bright sun hitting my face as I got up.
I went downstairs to find Sammy and that slut on the kitchen table making out.
The slut who was now looking straight at me was wearing Sammy's tee shirt and he was just wearing sweatpants.
Sammy turned around to make eye contact.
"Hey Y/N this is Kate." He said flashing me a grin.
The slut now known as Kate gave me a smile and turned to go downstairs followed by sammy, but he immediately stopped once he saw Jack coming right next to me.
Jack put his arm around me which made me jump.
"Your still here?" I asked looking up to him.
He chuckled
"Ever since last night ya."
He said looking down at me and holding me closer
"He was here last night?" Sammy asked with anger and jealousy in his voice.
I stood still not knowing what to say.
And then Jack did something that surprised me.

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