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At first we were inseperable. Twins, best friends, partners, practically siblings. But that chapter of our lives was shattered by what was to come. When we were separated it felt like half of me was missing... I felt empty without you by my side! We were told that it was for the best. That it was "better for our health", but all it did was make the depression worse.


The trees waved their claw-like fingers scraping at the moonlit sky. The sinister shadows, waited, watched, just picking their moment to snatch you out of your bed. But the amulet was still charming her, silent, treacherous, taking control as she impaled herself on the church spire. She could've rung home... She could've rung me. The telephone box was right there.

Like a bell ringing in my ears, the horrendous truth crept in. Beth was gone, her tortured soul condemned to being trapped in the mansion... Forever. Her body was brought back by the police. Her hair was lank and her face was painfully thin, although astonishingly beth was still there. A mere shadow of life still lurked beneath those glazed over eyes. The fact and the fiction, no matter how hard I tried, were so inexplicable that I couldn't possibly get my head around what had happened. But she was gone.

In august we were happy, we were on holiday in Paris ' the city of romance' she was looking into my eyes with such passion and stroking my cheek so softly that I thought my heart would break. Her eyes were sapphire blue but there's no denying the fact that one day I woke an orphan with my sister lying dead on the floor eyes gouged out and fingers split open. Mary was nine, nine!!! She was so excited about her birthday she was having friends round and there was going to be a bouncy castle! Its all gone now... The twist of a knife, the end of a childhood.

But beth... It sounds bad but she is the one that I miss the most. The manor is filled with people dressed in white, beth was here too. They say I killed my parents, my sister and my girlfriend whovhad the same condition as me. That the amulet was nothing but a locket given to beth by her mother. They call the manor an asylum and they say that this was all just a fantasy that I told my self to hide from the truth, the terrible truth. But I know what I saw, and I'm gonna get out of this place no matter what it takes...

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