Epilogue - Chapter 48

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"Alright, Camellia thought we should do an updated Q and A because we haven't done one in a long time. There have been many questions we have been avoiding. A lot of them will get answered today." I said as soon as the livestream starts.

"And yes, we are in the play room as we film this video. Emrys is playing with his train set and Wyatt is currently trying to fall asleep in my arms." Camellia said as Wyatt fussed a bit.

"So many people have been asking the meaning behind the names of our two boys. Camellia will explain Emrys' name and I'll explain Wyatt's."

"Alright, so overall, we wanted unique names but also names that could possibly define them. Emrys' full name is Emrys Alexander Dallas. Emrys means immortal, we had a few other names in mind too. But this name just stood out to us. We had a lot of help from family and friends on picking a name before we chose a name. Now, Alexander, obviously is Cameron's middle name, so we just gave it to Emrys as well. That's how basically how Emrys got his name, Emrys Alexander Dallas." Camellia explained.

"For Wyatt, it was a different story. We had many names in mind as well. But we didn't exactly choose one yet. We didn't name him until five days after he was born. What we did not mention to the public but will now mention it, Camellia had to have an emergency c-section and then Wyatt was hooked up to a ventilator right after. We didn't even get to hold him right after he was born because he was having trouble breathing. We weren't sure if he was going to make it or not. It was one in the morning when he was born, we were exhausted and just did not know what to do. The doctor then told us that his breathing was regulating, he was hooked up to the machine for a few days. When we finally got to hold him, that's when we chose his name. There are many definitions for the name Wyatt, the most important one to us was 'little warrior,' and 'brave.' A lot of people were criticizing that we should not have given him the middle name: Night, but I think it suits him well. He's more of a night baby then he is a day baby. Camellia likes to call him her little owl. In fact, his stuff animal is an owl."

"Also, when I was in tears after giving birth. Cameron made a little comment about how Wyatt is a little knight and he will return to me, his queen. It was a cheesy cute comment that at the moment, I just needed. But hey, now you know the meaning behind both of their names. So judge us for the names of our children all you want, we love the names and think they suit them very well." Camellia added.


*two and a half years later*

I have been more cautious about what I do. I am more alert about everything around me.

I promised Cameron I wouldn't overwork myself. I can't cause too much stress on myself because now, I am pregnant with our third child.

I was surprised when I found out. I did not know how to feel. I was happy, overjoyed in fact. But I didn't know if I could handle another child. I already had a four year old and a two year old. Soon I would have a newborn. Cameron was overjoyed when I told him. He also had me promise to be more cautious.

We revealed to everyone that I am pregnant at a family event. The first person to know was Sierra, since she just told us that she was pregnant. The second person to know was Gina, we could not not tell her. Then my parents, Chris, Jack, Jackie, along with everyone else.

Emrys said he wants a sister because he already has a brother. Wyatt, he is still not making much sense when he talks. Although, he does talk, quite a lot actually.

In the year that I was not pregnant and did not have a newborn, I made and released an album and a collaboration with a clothing brand. I was set to go on tour; however, that might have to wait or I find a way to do so anyway.

Emrys and Wyatt get along surprisingly well. Maybe because they are so close in age. Emrys likes to tell Wyatt right from wrong, it's not exactly bossing, it's more like advising.

When it comes to eating, they're not picky, which is lucky for me since I do most of the cooking. Cameron usually has to leave to go do the business stuff while I stay home and watch the kids. Yes, I have become a stay-at-home mom. But with my career, it's pretty easy to do. I have two kids and one on the way with my husband, who started out as just a beautiful stranger. Who would have thought this would be my life. And to think Cameron and I started off with an Awkward Cam dare, on my behalf. We've been through a lot, I couldn't be happier about where we are now.

I once thought that maybe we were just beautiful strangers that were not meant to meet again. With everything that happened when we tried to be together. It felt like everyone was against us. It felt like a dream to be with him, it felt like it could never be a reality. Life changes, people change, people grow. We met again as strangers in a different light. Bounded by a promise we made four years prior. Now, looking back at everything, I realize we really can be just beautiful together.

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