Sleepy Sleepy

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Smut warning UwU

After my clothes were delivered I changed and layed in bed, the sound of rain tapped against the window.

I sighed rolling over, our kiss played back in my mind, what would have happend if he didn't leave, what would I have said?

My thoughts were interrupted by a loud crack of thunder, I jumped and pulled the covers over my head.

I soon felt uneasy, as if I was being watched, not like with a camera I felt someone standing in the room. I took deep breaths and looked up from my covers. Another loud crack of thunder shook the room.

I jumped out of bed and dashed into the hallway, there I caught my breath, I felt alone, lost in a dream like state.

I wandered down the hall and practically floated down the stairs. The lightning illuminated the hallway as I stood in front of his door.

I was hesitant but I knocked, nothing. I knocked again, nothing.

"Ivo" I said opening the door and peeking into his room. The lightning struck again, lighting his room for a few seconds. He wasn't in bed.

I opened the door fully to see his bathroom light was on, I could hear the shower running but soon turn off.

I bit my lip and walked over to his bed. One side was mess as if he tried to sleep but got up, the other side was perfectly neat the sheet was still tucked in.

I made my way to the messy side of his bed and slid into the covers. Still warm. I didn't realize how chilly the house was. I covered myself more and a wave of tiredness washed over me.

I closed my eyes but I didn't fall asleep yet. The bathroom door opened and illuminated my spot where I was laying. I could feel Ivo looking at me. He sighed and I heard the light flick off.

I peeked an eye open and watched as he pulled up the sheet and lay on the other side of the bed. I could see his hair was wet from his shower.

"Ivo" I said quietly

"Yeah?" He responded

I felt my lip quiver "I'm sorry for kissing you, I didnt mean to make you uncomfortable"

He was silent but then rolled over to look at me "you didn't make me uncomfortable" he looked a little embarrassed "it was just.. my first kiss"

My jaw dropped, "you're lying" I said moving closer to him

He shook his head "I don't like people so why would I let them kiss me"

I was quiet but he added "but I liked our kiss.."

The sound of rain filled the room

"Do.. You wanna kiss again?" I asked

It was his turn to go silent. "Yes.." He whispered, sounding a little embarrassed.

I smiled and scooched closer to him, I could feel the heat coming off of his body. God he was warm.

I leaned in and kissed him again. He put his big warm hand on my hip.

Some how I ended up on my back he was above me, I rested my hand on his arm while we kissed, he was awfully tone for someone who looked scrawny.

He stopped our kiss to fidget with his pants, was he getting turned on? I mean I was too but I felt it was a little early for all that.

"Are you ok?" I asked sitting up on my elbows, he nodded pathetically "y..yeah I'm just a little tired.. Can we do this tomorrow too?" He said sounding like a child.

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