The Night : Chapter One

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    Temperance's Point of View

My name is Temperance Camille Willison, it was August 23, 2020, and I was stuck playing with my frenemy Jenna Jackson. Jenna was rude, annoying, and bossy at the same time! To be completely honest, she has been a bitch. She had a ridiculous smile that was covering half of her face, all the time.

Jenna said that she had to use the bathroom, I did not want her peeing on my floor, which she would do, so I showed her where the bathroom was. When I heard, Jenna sit down on the toilet, I immediately ran back to my room, using light steps so Jenna or Lacey, my older sister, couldn't hear me. A few seconds later I got back into my room. I knew I needed to get far, far away from that horrid human being and now was most likely my only chance, but I had a major dilemma. My bedroom is on the second floor and there's a concrete sidewalk under my window. I silently debated for a few seconds.

Eventually, I accepted that if I wanted to get away from Jenna, I would have to jump. I put on my favorite black FBI hoodie, slipped on a pair of new slim boot-cut blue jeans, and put on my favorite pair of running shoes. I heard the toilet flush, quickly, I opened my window, and pushed out my safety screen. Then, I jumped.

BOOM! My feet hit the ground and I instantly rolled to break my fall, in the process I almost hit the side of my grumpy neighbor's house. That got my adrenaline pumping, I got up and started running as fast as I could. When I ran out of breath, I stopped running and started to speed walk, which was around the time I got to Highway 39. Highway 39 runs through the middle of town dividing it into the east and west sides of town. I knew that if I stayed on the east side of town, Jenna would find me, so I crossed over the highway and I entered the West territory.

I must've been walking for nearly forty minutes when I heard a soft grunt like breath coming from behind me. I stopped in my tracks and cautiously turned around, I was genuinely shocked to see who was standing behind me. Jenna! What the hell. I mean, how? How did she even find me? How did she even get out of the house? All questions aside, I turned back around, held my head high and proud, acting like I was above her and that I didn't care, whilst internally panicking. I began walking again.

I stopped to turn at the corner of Millard and Cornfield Street, just then I heard small, violent bangs coming from 'The Ladies House.'

I assumed it was a vandalizer in the house, as over the years, the house laid vacant and no one was taking care of it, so there had been many. The trespasser activity picked up lately, there'd been several police reports from neighbors, saying they'd been hearing strange sounds from inside the house. Even with more police visits, many people that went inside said that there is blood covering the walls and there was a gaping hole in the floor.

Legend had it that a house slave named Agatha Mayfield was brutally murdered on August 24, 1743. Her master and his family went on vacation, when they returned they found her. The police never found the killer, but oddly, they left the body where the killer buried her. Some say that Agatha's body was buried in the very floors of the pink two-story house that stands there today. No one had lived there since.

Jenna said something, for the most part, I couldn't tell what she said, from what I could make out, filling a few blanks, I'm certain she said, "Mayfield was buried with a hatchet, so if her body was ever disturbed she'd awake, and could chop her way out of her casket. The cops didn't move her because of the message written in blood on the wall, 'If you move Miss. Mayfield, you, and all the people you love will all die an inevitable death!' The detectives and cops were all very superstitious and gullible, they believed it, so they never moved the corpse. With the vandalism spree lately, it's likely that she has been awakened. What the killer didn't know is that she'd return as a zombie, not a ghost.i-ii-is what I guess I mean if she was a ghost she wouldn't be able to pick up an ax, right!?" That was strange especially with what followed.

Still, what I heard terrified me, I sprinted towards the batting cage about forty meters away, to get away from that creep, but Jenna followed. A little freaked out, Jenna, and I stared at the house for a couple of minutes expecting to see a vandalizer, instead, we saw a humanoid figure emerge from the front of the house. The figure came closer to us, then we both realized it was Agatha Mayfield, we turned to each other and said, 'ITS A FUCKING ZOMBIE' in unison.

I was trying to talk to Jenna to try to come up with a plan, but Jenna had crappy ideas of her own, out of nowhere she started repeating baseball bat, over and over until finally, she found a few. I mean I admit that it probably was the best plan and the right thing to look for as we were in the middle of the baseball park. Still, I walked over to Jenna and asked, "What are you doing with a baseball bat?" Before Jenna could acknowledge that I'd said anything to her, I realized, we have a brain-eating, bloodsucking, killer-zombie bitch on our hands. Jenna and I needed to kill her before she infected other people in town and made them all zombies. For Agatha to infect the entire town wouldn't take very long because we live in a small town, mile-wise, but there was at least a quarter of a million people in the town. The houses were so jam-packed with people and were close together people barely had yards, and the only places that weren't houses were, roads, the school, and this park.

It would spread fast if people weren't careful and now it's our job to stop the start of a possible pandemic.

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