Chapter 1

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God he was such a whore, a slut for his dirty words and skank begging to be fucked. Atleast that's what Ray thought. In reality York was just a 19 year old boy desperate for money to feed his family while his mother worked 2 jobs. Oh god his mother must be so worried over her little boy, gone and no where to be seen, not even knowing about her son's occupation that earned them the money.

York felt sick to his stomach, tears falling down his face like water pouring from a faucet. Two women in black and white maid outfits entered the room, one was a cat girl, who had blonde ears and tail, a deep blue hair and greyish eyes. The other seemed to be a variation of fairy, most likely crystal as their wings sparkled brightly, eyes pastel pink and hair a light blonde.
"Ah katie! This must be the elf boy master Ray was talking about"The neko said as she looked to the other maid as she helped the man out of the rope. York was about to interupt however-
"Mhm sarah, that's why he is here right infront of us"The other girl who seemed to be named katie replied with a sarcastic tone but a cheeky smile as she helped York up who was about to interupt again-
"Yes I know, I know"Sarah said with a pout as she began leading York to another door with Katie,"Come,come! We must get you ready in time, no time for dilly dallying!"
York followed quietly, silently wondering where he went wrong. He believed the first problem was being a prostitue at 19 and anti-social. He stayed silent as the girls began to strip him from his red overshirt and striped undershirt however once the women began to take off his jeans he was quick to say he would do it himself.
"No offence....."Katie said looking to sarah for help on his name.
"York"He quickly said as both the girls looked lost.
"No offence York but we will need to get you dressed most days, plus this is our job so no need to be embrassed!"She said with a giggle at the end. York looked at the girl warily as Katie began to strip him of his jeans while sarah put some clothes down and began dressing his torso in a plain white oversized shirt.
"Plus we are gay"Sarah said flatly and York seemed to then relax however since he then remembered his problem he was quick to pull Katie's hand away again.

"It's not that..."York said warily as he looked at the two girls, they had an almost confused look on their faces.
"Oh come on, what are you small? Is that what you are worried about? It's pretty obvious that you would be subbing anyway-"Katie spoke quickly as Sarah grabbed a newspaper from the side and swatted the back of her head. York turned red and shrunk his head into his neck,
"Idon'thaveadick"He spoke quickly and quietly, only for sarah to ask him to speak louder,"I-I do not have a dick, I have a vagina, no I am not trans, I was born this way-"The girls looked at silently as they then just laughed ,York almost interuppted again untill katie said,
"Hah! Master York will be surprised"with a giggle at the end, she then ignored Yorks other pleas and got him changed as sarah brushed his hair that reached his ass, she was almost envious on how long it was.

York was then lead to two big wide doors, Katie and Sarah said their goodbyes and goodluck,
"you're gonna need it"Katie claimed. He let out a deep breath and knocked on the door 3 times. York was dressed in a plain white Oversized shirt, Semi-tight denim shorts and converse, his black choker removed and hair tied into a bun. The door slowly opened to see Ray standing there with a sadistic smirk, looking down at the 5"7' boy. Ray wore no shirt and had tattoos and scars decorating his toned chest and back, loosly hanging sweatpants and no socks or shoes.

"Well arn't you the cutest little slut, hmm?"He asked curiously, a tounge scraping over his fang-like canines, only a gulp from Yorks shakey breath could be heard as Ray reached out and grabbed the smaller male and threw him on the bed,"Fuck you're pretty little face looks so cute when you cry" he said sadisticly as he grabbed the boys face softly and licked up; York could only flinch in disgust, a small whimper emitting from his lips. The taller male crawled over the cowering boy as he then kissed him roughly, York let out a mewl of pleasure however he kept his mouth closed to the best of his ability, not wanting Ray to slip a tounge in. The dominant male growled roughly as he grasped the submitting males face causing him to let out a cry, Ray then let his tounge enter, exploring the boy's mouth with his own tounge, Still being resiliant. Ray pulled back with a lustfull gaze,"God i would love to place a hickey on every single inch of your pretty little body" he purred as he removed York's shirt and threw it to the side.

York looked up at the man in terror, yes he has had sex for money before but he didn't sign up for this, it was get in and get out, no kinky shit or resistance. He didn't want to do this, he was fucking terrified of this man, the devil reincarnated. Ray could see the terror in the small boy's eyes, he didn't care, fuck he could bang anyone at this point with the amount of lust pouring from his body. Ray grasped the boys neck roughly while he lift hickeys down his torso, lowering further and further down. York lay there still, giving up on fighting and just wanting to get this over with.

A pained whimper fell from the smaller males lips as Ray continued to move his lips eventually reaching the waist of Yorks Shorts, looking up at the other male eagerly," hm, it is a shame that you arn't hard for me, no matter. This will be pleasureable for me eitherway" he said offhandedly, as if Yorks own pleasure was a second option and uneeded. He only whined lightly in response once the scarred male removed his shorts to be greeted by black laced panties and a wet patch. The older male lifted an eyebrow at the sight, conviced the other had pissed himself. That was until he began to rub with too centre fingers, feeling the others folds,"oh, i see." He almost laughed out,"You really are a dirty slut arn't you?"

York almost cried as the tears slightly welled up, his face flushed red and hands to his mouth, shaking his head side to side not wanting to admit it, as if it would change the whole thing. "So fucking perfect" Ray growled out as he ripped off Yorks panties with his teeth as he dove his face head first into the smallers pussy. York cried outand went to grab onto the others horns, Ray was uncaring as his tongue began to delve deep and slurp up any wetness it could reach, sometimes pulling out to lick at engorged clit, his large and marked hands pushing apart his thighs. Yorks tears could only be described as liquified crystals as they streamed down his face, unwanting to submit to the pleasure that was overwhelmingly good.

"Go on you dirty slut, cum on my tongue, submit yourself to me"

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⏰ Last updated: May 28 ⏰

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