Chapter 14

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The male doctor held the sheet of paper at his side and introduced himself.

"My name is Roger. You don't have to call me by my last name like the rest."

He gave us a wry smile. He looked about Gaga's age, and he was quite muscular. He reminds me of Taylor. I like this guy. I mean, his first impression was nice. You know what I mean.
I waved at him and he waved back. Gaga was still hysterical, and so was I. He just lightened the mood a bit. A lot.

"So, uhm, why am I back at this place and not the one down the road?"

I pointed at the window and Gaga sighed.

"Well," he looked toward Gaga with a bob of his head, "as you already know, the tests came up positive. We aren't sure what form or what type, but we found leukemic cells in you. Don't worry too much about it, okay? We'll get you fixed up, girl."

Why did I feel somewhat happy when he said that? His voice is just so cheery that I kind of didn't care that I had... Wait, what?

"I've got what now?"

He walked over to one of the chairs across the room and moved it in front of us.

"Leukemia," he said while sitting down in the chair. Gaga looked over at me as if she wanted me to react. I just sat there.

"So, when they said they ran my blood labs and treatments through, they had actually caused these 'leukemic cells'? So, I've been living with this for a while now?"

Roger nodded and sighed.

"Unfortunately, yeah."

"Well, here we go again," I grinned. I wasn't being sarcastic or anything. Roger smirked. I knew this would happen.

"Listen, I'm so sorry about what happened with your charts, kid. I would have given up if I were you, but you're so amazing for staying strong like you have been. Right?"

He smiled at Gaga and she nodded.

"Yes, and people like you are the reason that we can continue to be this way. Thank you so much. You mean the world to us right now."

You could tell he was thrilled. His cheeks turned this really pink color. He tried to hold it in, but I know he couldn't any longer. I grinned.

"I hate to do this, but um..."

He continued to blush.

"You're the reason I continued through college and became a doctor, really. You saved my life," he choked up. We both got up off of the bed and hugged him.

"Well, I'll remember you Roger. You're a very brave man."

She pat him on the back and kissed his cheek. I laughed to myself. What are the odds? We've got a Monster of a doctor here. Yasss. Roger smiled and tried to fathom this situation while Gaga and I looked at each other.

"Babe, we'll fight through this together. You and I, okay?"

I grinned at how cheesy she sounded.

"I promise. Can we get a picture with this guy, though?"

Gaga nodded and stood up.

"Alright, come here."

He walked over and smiled like he had won the lottery.

"My fiancée will freak out when she sees this," he grinned. His fiancée is a very lucky woman. Gaga posed with us and smiled in the picture. She put it on Instagram. We waved at Roger as he exited the room with a wide smile on his face. We made his day as he made ours. It was nice. I hope he replaced Dr. Scott and Dr. Hall.
Gaga looked at me and sighed.

"How are you okay with this?"

I shrugged and popped one of my knuckles.

"I'm not, but I don't know what to do about it. Leukemia. Remind me to Google that," I smiled.
"And I really wanted to see the last artRave."

She held her left index finger up and shook her head. She pulled her phone out and got on her Yahoo app.

"They saved the live stream so I can watch it over. I wouldn't allow you to miss it, even if you weren't there."

She wrapped her arm around me, kissed my cheek, and pressed play.

Once again, I love this woman. My Daddy would be so happy to see that I'm finally with her again.
Gaga and I talked and watched her performance for hours. Best. Show. Ever. Too bad I missed it for this place.
Their reactions are less severe than they would have been, but I didn't want to make things too bad. So, here you go. How'd I do? I hope you all are having great days/nights! 💕

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