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3.8.20.—>DELIVERY FOR @Snowy_The_Unicorn!

—>DELIVERY FOR @Snowy_The_Unicorn!

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NOTE I👏AM👏SATISFIED👏WITH👏HOW👏THIS👏TURNED👏OUT—i mean, it doesn't look rEaLly good at first glance but it gets more eye appealing as you stare at it

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i mean, it doesn't look rEaLly good at first glance but it gets more eye appealing as you stare at it. at least, that's my case anyway. took me one hour of debating what pngs to put on and to get the typography correct but it was all worth it in the end. hope you like this and links will be sent through pm!
on a completely unrelated note, my graphic portfolio hasn't been updated in like what, tWo mOntHs? AHAHAHA IM SORRY—

 hope you like this and links will be sent through pm!on a completely unrelated note, my graphic portfolio hasn't been updated in like what, tWo mOntHs? AHAHAHA IM SORRY—

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001. Remember to CREDIT me!
002. USE the graphic(s) for at least SEVEN DAYS!
003. VOTE on the chapter featuring your graphic (AKA THIS CHAPTER)!
004. Give me your HONEST OPINION on the results!

 Give me your HONEST OPINION on the results!

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