Chapter 1

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"Yeah, Balto!"

"We're gonna beat that plane paws down now that you're lead dog!" Ralph barked confidently.

In the snowy alleyway, Balto paced back and forth, a yellow glowing spotlight following his movements. I haven't agreed to anything yet! His stomach churned as he paced, wondering how he could tell the dogs of his failed attempts to catch the plane. When he finally found the words, he looked up at his audience. "Listen-" He began.

"We're behind you one-hundred percent, Balto!" Kirby exclaimed excitedly. He and his companions sat atop a pile of discarded wooden crates. Dusty and Ralph cheered while behind them, Mel and Dipsy watched with hope and interest.

 Dusty and Ralph cheered while behind them, Mel and Dipsy watched with hope and interest

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Balto narrowed his eyes, swallowing back his frustration. They aren't even listening to me! Their optimism and confidence in him almost hurt. These young dogs had grown up hearing the famous story of Balto, the wolfdog who led a lost sled team home and saved the children of Nome from death. The wolfdog who fought grizzly bears, climbed mountains, braved blizzards and escaped avalanches. And now, he was going to tell them that he was incapable of outrunning a man-made machine.

I don't want to do this. He turned to make a break for it, but his escape route was blocked. He found himself face to face with Kodi and scrambled to a halt.

"If anyone can do it, you can!" Kodi's eyes shone with admiration and excitement.

Guilt gnawed at Balto's stomach as he met his son's bright gaze. How can I let him down? I can't run from this. I have to tell the dogs the truth. Kodi deserves that much. He turned away from him to face the others, relieved that they had quieted and were watching him, waiting eagerly for his comment.

"Everyone, listen." Balto stepped forward, quickly gathering his words while he had their attention. "I-I've seen it fly." He drew in a breath before continuing. "I think we just have to consider the possibility that-"

"Let's do the call!" Kirby interrupted and raised his head, letting out a gleeful howl. Dusty and Ralph quickly joined in.

Balto was taken back as he stared at them. It was the howl of the wolf. The one he had used the night he returned to Nome with the medicine. It was a sound of hope and victory. And yet no victory had been won yet.

The sound mocked him and his inability to lead the mail team to success. The cheerful howls echoed off the walls of the ally, causing his head to throb. The spotlight beamed in his face, blinding him, and he shut his eyes as he lowered himself to the ground and backed away. His rear bumped against the chest of a dog, and Balto looked over his shoulder anxiously. Kodi was howling proudly behind him.

The light, howls, and pressure on him became overwhelming, and without a word, Balto took off, desperate to escape their cheers. He bounded through the snow-covered streets until the howling of the mail dogs grew faint and distant.

Balto 3 AU: Steele's Return (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now